i wanna take a nap….. 😰zecretaries please keep the world safe while i’m gone o7
just watched my minecraft vod and there were multiple moments where i just went “uweeee uekkkk uweee” LMAO WHAT IS THAT NOISE UWEEEE
oh yea btw there’s a Bokura collab today w/ Kobo @ 8pm WIB 😇
otsu fungi!!!!! *deadline is changed to 48 hours!!! #fungicrylic
so wholesome today🥺 i’m finally home! thank u everyone for waiting
tomorrow’s stream is so early…… Σ(゚д゚lll)
Otsuzeta!!!! o7 smoothie was..... OK ....but the texture was yucky. Thank you for coming to the stream!!!! See you on the next stream tonight :D
help why is my horse walking all weirdly and stuff i can't ride it anywhere
zecretary's second mission of the week!
Started 30 mins ago i forgot to tweet twitter.com/vestiazeta/sta…