why did “ohazeta” became “meowning” ⁉️
let’s do a zatsudan when i get back from japan -w-)/
Enjoying my green tea in the morning ✨🍵 Have been more careful with what I eat lately so I don't get sick
sorry mom i couldnt resist lol☕️ last one of the week!
@tokino_sora そら先輩〜!!100万人おめでとうございます!!!!✨
Ohazeta!! Didn’t sleep but today is a busy day~✨🤠 Let’s do our best!!!!!
recap #ZecretLive otsubozet!!!! that was so much funnnn (^ν^)mari merusuh lagi kapan2 @kobokanaeru
Post debut with @kaelakovalskia in 5 minutes! 5分で始まります! twitter.com/kaelakovalskia…
guess what game am i playing 📜youtu.be/5R4f-kET0p8 ⏰ 21:30 WIB / 23:30 JST / 6:30 PST
members ASMR in a few hours!!! youtu.be/0dcd6Rkr1N8
はじまルド (totally didn't steal this joke) twitter.com/tsunomakiwatam…
looking at fanarts make me sooo happy! thank you!🌸
eat your breakfast🔪
otsuzeta!!!! we did it! so close to plat..... thank you iofi senpai, ollie senpai, and mumei senpai for playing with me 😭💙 please give them lots of love!!!
i’m pretty cool u guys gotta have some confidence in yourselves too💪
@omarupolka RUSTこわい、、、
otsuzeta!!! secret unit, mission accomplished!
Ohazeta!!! o7 Happy weekend!☀️⛱️ I'll be playing overcooked 2 with Haachama senpai today (17.00 WIB) 🍳 and there's also a members only talk tonight!💬
That was good and fun chaos ☺️☺️☺️💘💘 Thank youuuuu Haachamasenpai!!!!! lov lov Tarantula baby coming soon (?) I took a picture but idk where it went......