// resident evil 6 ZENYA IS BACK......part 2 senpai please don't leave me behind again thanks 📜youtu.be/UMjyT74H6Dk
i need more zeta reaction gifs/memes
i’m gonna start shitposting on tiktok now vt.tiktok.com/ZSRjntdFP/?k=1
20分で始まります! Starting in 20 minutes ! twitter.com/vestiazeta/sta…
guerilla! secret unit come in *starting in 10 minutes* youtu.be/3VpqX2YOEtM
ini game letoy lagi ya? wkwkw zeta delivery service 100% full customer satisfaction pov 📜LIVE📜youtube.com/live/Mi_geKJov…
@kureijiollie am i allowed to delete the cat tweet now please it's been haunting me for days
btw, next 📚book review stream📚is lord of the rings!! (probably next week) please wait until i finish reading the whole book -w-)/ still sick so i’m reading a bit slower than usual
ohazeta!!! o7 i didn't sleep but it's okay!! today's stream is at 10.30 WIB/12.30 JST
otsuzenya! otsu everyone!!!!!! this event has been nothing but awesome and fun ; w ; it was a blast! everyone did an amazing job!
me when playing games *bukan kucingnya, tapi kepala juga ikut goyang* twitter.com/Fianfn1/status…
sorry gotta delete the previous tweet cos the link wasn't showing! delivering hope~ 📜youtube.com/live/enEwi9xt5…📜 🕐12:00 WIB / 14:00 JST / 21:00 PST
OTSU!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE WAS SHINING ON STAGE!!!!!!!! I FEEL VERY BLESSED TO BE ABLE TO WATCH!!! holoh3ro will be doing watchalong again tomorrow for day 2!!!! #ひろがるホロライブDAY1
outer wilds! yay!!!! idk what to expect.... i just have to explore right? 📜youtu.be/TCgiXLk1HIo 9pm WIB / 11pm JST / 6am PST / 3pm CET
【Operation: Tango】 can we finish all the missions? 😇 ▼ Start: 20 WIB / 22 JST / 06 PT youtu.be/4WF5aRaNF00
Ohazeta!!!!! Goodddd morning!!! Let's try playing some apex mobile? ⏰ 11.00 WIB / 13.00 JST / 21.00 PT LIVE: youtu.be/2i5gsx_RvL0
DANGANRONPAAAAAAAAPAPAPAPAAAA investigating AGAIN!!!!🔪🔪🔪🔪 i've been fulfilling my secret agent duties!😎 📜youtu.be/4q-PRS-3Dcg 10pm WIB / 12am JST / 7am PST / 4pm CET