【DEEEER Simulator】 become bazo. embrace bazo. 1h stream today ▼ Start: 19 WIB / 21 JST / 05 PT youtu.be/3bz6ArI_OEo
📜Today's missions!📜 1⃣Guerilla Unpacking - Cozy morning~ ⏰11 WIB / 13 JST youtu.be/J_1y4EB0Qm0 2⃣APEX Collab w/ Ollie senpai & RPR ⏰ 17 WIB / 19 JST youtu.be/m3hEyCz-GC0 3⃣ Valorant (Twitch) ⏰ 22 WIB / 24 JST twitch.tv/vestiazeta_hol…
Otsuzeta!!!! The grill.... I'm so happy :D
btw there might be a gorilla stream after apex i'll let u guys know later
えっっこれやってみるかw twitter.com/aoi__sid/statu…
Let's continue titanfall 2!!!! Stream test at my new place (?) 🔴L I V E : youtu.be/5U98hpEQnSM ⏰10pm WIB / 12am JST / 8am PDT / 5pm CEST
// yakuza 3 remastered teach me the ways 📜youtu.be/FnGGFz6fDPo ⏰13:00 WIB / 15:00 JST / 22:00 PST
📜Today's missions📜 1⃣ Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! ⏰19.00 WIB / 21.00 JST youtu.be/iANd9bYqVVs 2⃣ Animal Tower Battle / どうぶつタワー⏰22.00 WIB / 24.00 JST youtu.be/OSljBx0fpf0
what should i eat today aside from human meat ofc
should i be sleepin or morbin
where’s the agent👁️👁️❓ twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
guerilla in 20 minutes!!! let's play skribbl together!!!! (members can join! code will be on the my channel's YT community post) 📜youtube.com/live/0ZnGmc5ge…📜
I will pick and read a few mission report on tomorrow's donation reading stream! Please use the template below & the hashtag #ZecretaryReport !!!! [Leave the 'approved by' section empty!]
lanjutin railway ke nether portal yang waktu itu setengah jadi 🔴LIVE: youtu.be/CKKpDKX0BYY ⏰20:00 WIB / 22:00 JST / 06:00 PT / 15:00 CEST
@axelsyrios not a diaper? that's unexpected
Ohazetaaa! Have some work to do so donation reading is postponed to tomorrow (Friday, April 29, 20.00 WIB / 22.00 JST)‼️
@vestiazeta はじめまして!!
4 minutes & 1 hour of interrogation room with zeta……. @holoIDcaf3 in 2 weeks be prepared😎🫶