POKEMON IS FUN!!!!🤩 pic: bonus my naming sense in the beginning lol
guess i'll be seeing a lot of this emote in my chat tonight huh,,, when things come back to bite u in the ass 😂
according to research done by the secret unit, doing cat puzzles in the morning can increase your brain flow, IQ, and it has a 15% chance of turning you into a cat (*this condition does not apply to vestia zeta) LIVE: youtube.com/live/zn9noxzpO… 07:00 WIB / 09:00 JST / 16:00 PST
don't forget that it's @kaelakovalskia 's debut tomorrow!!! be there or get bonked😊
editor san🥹 why do u replay my oniichan part twice twitter.com/nagisa_1218/st…
LUCU BANGET BERTIGA OUTFITNYA GRRRRR😠 baru nyadar ini yang punya zeta tulisannya "inovatif, lucu, always positive, sociable, tulus, lembut, penuh kejutan, imut" penuh kejutan itu gimana 😂 positif kan www twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
nihongo study!! LIVE: youtube.com/live/X2KBqhz-o… 19:00 WIB / 21:00 JST / 05:00 PDT / 13:00 CET
【Pamali】 Let's start the week with a fun horror game!☀️ It's an Indonesian folklore horror story!👻 I wonder what can we find inside the old family house⁉️ ⏰ 19:00 WIB / 21:00 JST ▼ Waiting room: youtu.be/CmKWJ_peVe8
horror is comedy to me
L + ratio + u stink + get off twitter Bazo -Zeta
I have a pixiv account now~!! 👩‍🎨💘 pixiv.net/en/users/82469…
chooo chooooooooooooo hey it's me charles get out of the way or i run u over 🚆youtube.com/live/4PumD6vq9…🚆 12:30 WIB / 14:30 JST / 22:30 PDT
welcome to my interrogation room ⛓️⚠️ youtu.be/Ak1dDm7sUx8 #ZecretDialog #ZecretLive
(random) parasites tier list 📜youtu.be/1fmd8g1iCNM 10pm WIB / 12am JST / 7am PST / 4pm CET
『Delivering HOPE』 one yeet at a time 🔴 L I V E : youtu.be/fKuNnRjrwOs ⏰21:30 WIB / 23:30 JST / 07:30 PDT / 16:30 CEST
ohazeta! it's holoid tier list time~ 🔴LIVE: youtu.be/HBtyYukxYlw ⏰ 13:00 WIB / 15:00 JST / 23:00 PT
zenya is back!!!! -w-)/ 🤖LIVE: youtube.com/live/IrYem7ozQ…🤖 20:00 WIB / 22:00 JST / 06:00 PDT
MINECRAFT bisa balapan kuda kah?🏇 > chill late night block game w/ additional caffeine 🔴LIVE: youtu.be/zfsjIfyxvNw ⏰ 10pm WIB / 12am JST / 8am PDT / 5pm CEST
no maidens, but i have bazo. haha…….
oh no this is so cute ;w; i'm tempted twitter.com/FallGuysGame/s…