stop asking me the same question over and over again, twitter. 😩
let me headpat your cat
Otsuzeta!!!! The grill.... I'm so happy :D
Just a reminder! Tomorrow is Passpartout, 7pm GMT+7 (schedule changed)✨
let's draw my genmates and senpais! (o˘◡˘o)
Otsuzeta!!! Today’s artworks
oh? what's this? :D we're going to the moon today!
Otsuzetaaaa! [insert monster noises] I'll post the schedule tonight 😇
good night zecretaries :D
Hi Zecretaries! 📜 I’m done with my schedule but I’m still waiting for confirmation 😅 It might take a while…. There should be a stream tonight…! I’ll post the waiting room as soon as I can!
【WEEKLY MISSION📜】 • Youtube channel:… • General: #VestiaZeta • LIVE: #ZecretLive • Fanarts: #Zetacrylic • Assets: #Zetassets • Memes: #DEEZeta • Fan name: #Zecretary ※Fanart may be used in thumbnails and/or for other uses in the future!
There will be a #DEEZeta meme review on Wednesday!! 👀 I'll pick a few from that hashtag and review them on stream. Yang lucu dapet hadiah......unless..... ※Deadline for submission: Tuesday, 18.00 WIB / GMT+7
I'm sorry there's some changes!!! ;w; Here's the revised schedule: Jump King --> 19.30 WIB / GMT+7 ZecretDialog --> 10.30 WIB / GMT+7…
otsuzeta..... 😊that was fun! i'll practice more!!
ohazeta!!! o7 today is jump king. don’t forget to share your memes on #DEEZeta
I will rest now (´。• ω •。`) Pengen baca buku