hunger 😮🫢
@ceresfauna fauna senpai cute cute cute
otsuzeta!!! recap #ZecretLive i love fauna senpaiiiiiiiii🥺💖💖 that was so much fun!!!!! we burned a lot of babies!!!!
【PACIFY】 with fauna senpai!!!!! waaaaa !!!!!! ▼ Start: 12 WIB / 14 JST / 01 ET
recap #ZecretLive otsubozet!!!! that was so much funnnn (^ν^)mari merusuh lagi kapan2 @kobokanaeru
i miss playing doom for 7 hours
time to order onion rings....... 🍟
【Untitled Goose Game w/ @kobokanaeru 】 angsa diaduk di kuali ▼ Start: 21 WIB / 23 JST / 07 PT
【ZecretDialog】 nyam nyam 人間おいしい ▼ Start: 14 WIB / 16 JST / 03 PT…
ohazeta??? maybe? 👀✨🦌
hi everyone~👀 if there’s any channels going around with the exact same icon and name as me, just double check and remember that my name has the verification mark beside it! so you’re not mistaken~✨☺️
ok but hear me out.... what if i say deez instead of desu
zecretaries, report? 📜 what did you do today? what happened to the target?
【DEEEER Simulator】 become bazo. embrace bazo. 1h stream today ▼ Start: 19 WIB / 21 JST / 05 PT
そろそろ寿司を食べないと死ぬぜ! start !…
【SUSHI SOUL】 no human today. just sushi.🍣 ▼ Start: 22 WIB / 24 JST / 08 PT
zetamins??? 😮is it safe or poisonous?