heh. baka (*^ω^*)🫵
I will be doing a CAT REVIEW this Tuesday! Please post pictures of your cat🐱using this hashtag #ZetaCatReview !!!!!!!
what’s up with the “i love this cock” meme like can somebody please explain it to me????
i’m a dangerous spy fear me
i hate that this tweet get so many likes twitter.com/vestiazeta/sta…
My ID senpais are all now.... babies uwu
rough sketch today's progress
Thank youuuu ina senpaiii! i wuv uuuu please come to my dungeon next time i'll give u cookies and deer meat🥺 twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/…
umami ver.2 died....
ohazeta!! 👁👄👁 i’m watching u
hi, so u like cats? name every cat species in the world
Otsuuuu! I'm so happyyyy :D Thank you @nanashimumei_en senpai!!!!!!!!
the only correct way to wear headphones
idk if i'm going to stream today....
@tsukumosana Thank you for everything Sana senpai. I can’t help but think of you when I see the night sky now. We’ll always remember you. Take care💛