metaphorical cats
Stomach pain 草 Ate too much spicy food
btw, next 📚book review stream📚is lord of the rings!! (probably next week) please wait until i finish reading the whole book -w-)/ still sick so i’m reading a bit slower than usual
my PC is having problems….😵‍💫
human fall flat collab later today w/ my girls! agent no-fall-damage pov 📜…📜
ohazeta!!! o7 today is jump king. don’t forget to share your memes on #DEEZeta
is this the right time to say ohazeta??? 🤠☀️
日本語、、、難しいよねぇ、、🥺 最近教科書を買いました…. Wish me luck!
Time to eat!!!!!! Now get on this plate. 🍽️
kalian tau kan kalau aku roasting zecretary itu cumaa bercanda doang? (it’s banter) u guys love it so i keep doing it 😭👆 dont take it too seriously please
so wholesome today🥺 i’m finally home! thank u everyone for waiting
selamat hari raya bagi yang merayakan🙏
L + ratio + u stink + get off twitter Bazo -Zeta
hehe people are calling me chief now🤠 that’s right i’m the chief of the secret archive unit
yt recommended me brain videos….. why? 🧠🧐 are they listening?
ohazeta!!!! o7 totally didn’t forget or anything
your CAT will listen to ME and only ME