Kep1er_Guardian! Kep1ian🐈‍⬛(@kep1erguardian1)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Kep1er - Shine (short ver) All of you already make us shine 내 최애곡.. 단콘 때 볼 수 있을까.. #케플러 #Kep1er
この広告をご用意いただいたJ-HIYYIHLIGHTSの方々に心から感謝します! Dear all of supporters for Hiyyih!! Thank you so much!! Hiyyih BD ads!! Thank you #JHIYYIHLIGHTS 히에 버스정류장 생일 광고!! #케플러 #hiyyih #bahiyyih #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에
🎥Kep1er Official Fanclub Kep1ian 1st membership Kit “Unboxing” video!! 🎶Please enjoy with ‘Shine’ 😌케플리안 1기 키트 언박싱 영상입니다!!! Original video : #케플러 #kep1er #케플리안 #kep1ian
Dear All global #kep1ian s It is time to vote!!! #THESHOW Let’s go to “Star Planet”!! #kep1er #케플러 #Kep1er_Up #kep1er_1st_win
유진이 생일 광고 도착! 광흥창역 지하1층 에스컬레이터 (1, 2, 5, 6번 출구 쪽) I arrived in 광흥창역 to see Yujin’s BD Ads! Thank you so much @team_yujin @yujinglobal ケプラーユージーンの誕生日をあらかじめおめでとうございます! #케플러 #kep1er #choi_yujin #최유진 #yujin #ケプラー
유진이 생일 광고-서울대 입구역 1,2번 출구 방향 출퇴근 시간에 걸려서 정말 어렵게 찍었어요! ㅠㅠ It was so difficult to take videos cause there were so many crowded people! But happy to meet Yujon:) #유토끼_생일축하해_사랑해 #최유진 #유진 #CHOI_YUJIN #yujin #kep1er #케플러
유진이 생카 진행 중인 “카페 너와늘” 다녀왔습니다! 든든한 케플리안 친구들이 함께 했어요:) I went to Yujin’s BD cafe with Kep1ian friends:) @annyeong7822 @kpoppswiftie It was awesome today! #유토끼_생일축하해_사랑해 #최유진 #유진 #CHOI_YUJIN #yujin #kep1er #케플러
Dear all of Kep1ians who will attend Hallyu Pop Fest in London!! Please Memorize all of Cheering Slogan of “Wadada” and “UP”!! 🔗 #kep1er #케플러 #HallyuPopFest #HallyuPopFestLondon #HallyuPopFestLondon #wadada
(초대박 사건…) #케플러 #최유진 전주 생카! 두이모 방문! 정말 갖고 싶던 유진이 레시피 특전 받은 뒤… 오늘 단 5명만 받은… 초대박 선물은.. 와아...(하략) I visited #kep1er #choi_Yujin ‘s BD cafe in her homtown! I got YJ’s limited perfume and… Secret huge gift from #Yujin’s mom….
小婷! Xiaoting! 소정아! オティン! 生日快乐! 생일 축하해! 誕生日おめでとう! Happy Birthday to you! BEST TING IN THE WORLD #ShenShineXiaotingDay #반짝반짝빛나는_샤오팅이_생일축하해 #冬の妖精シャオティンおめでとう #沈小婷1112生日快乐
I vote #kep1er for Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10 #MAMAVOTE We will be able to make them happy!
I vote #kep1er for #MAMAVOTE 마마 트윗 해시태그 투표 잘 부탁드립니다!!
Dear all Kep1ians!! Plz prepare 500Jelly from “free charging” (free vote available) on “Star Planet” before the vote time!! 1hour and 10minutes later! There will be Live Vote of “The Show” (KST) 18:05~19:00 on “Star Planet” #kep1er #케플러 #kep1erwin #kep1er1stwin
Please attend MAMA Twitter hashtags vote!! Or Please RT 마마 트윗터 해시태그 투표 많참부!! 皆さんの参加が大きな力になります! #MAMAVOTE #kep1er #MooKepTeen_ForMAMA
I vote #kep1er for Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10 #MAMAVOTE with precious memory Xiaoting did the dance sports routine of ISAC2022 in Kep1er mini fan meeting
1 RT = 1 Vote 1 like👍 = 1 our energy!!🔋 Let’s go to vote for our precious Kep1er! Don’t forget we are collaborating with Seventeen and Mamamoo! 케플러 투표 부탁드립니다! 그리고 현재 콜라보 중인 세븐틴 & 마마무에도 투표 꼭 부탁드려요!! #MAMAVOTE #kep1er #MooKepTeen_ForMAMA
I vote #kep1er for Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10 #MAMAVOTE Let’s go together:)
1 RT = 1 Vote 🗳 #MAMAVOTE #kep1er And please use above 2 Hashtags! 트윗하실 때 꼭 저 2개 해시태그 사용하시면 마마 트윗 투표 완료!! Let’s go!!! 가보자구요!!
I vote #kep1er for Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10 #MAMAVOTE 🔗 우리는 해낼 수 있습니다! We can do it! 엠넷 사이트에서 #케플러 투표 꼭 부탁드려요!! Pls vote Kep1er!! 投票たくさん参加してください!
MAMA 사전 투표 마지막날! Last day of MAMA pre-vote! 事前投票最終日!! 🔗 I vote #kep1er for Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10 #MAMAVOTE
I Vote #kep1er for MAMA Let’s attend #MAMAVOTE 마마 투표랑 트위터 해시태그(2개) 참여해주시면 감사드리겠습니다! MAMA投票一緒に行きます!