NU: Carnival Official(@NUCarnivalEn)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Dear Masters, due to certain issues, Cloud Play will be down for an emergent maintenance, players will not be able to login to the game while the fix is in progress. We will make further announcements once the servers are up, and are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Good evening Dear Masters. Thank you for your patience, the maintenance for Cloud Play has been completed. iOS players can now log in to the game through Cloud Play.
[Cocoa Liqueur Yakumo] "Now I can spend White Day together with Mr Eiden!" As he and Eiden share a box of chocolate liqueurs, an unknown side of Yakumo begins to emerge… #NUcarnival #WhiteDay #WhiteStorm #CocoaLiqueur #Yakumo
[White Lover Edmond] "Everything tastes sweeter after a bout of hard work." A dessert-lover and proud knight, Edmond might just find chocolate tastes that much sweeter when enjoyed with a certain someone… #NUcarnival #WhiteDay #WhiteStorm #WhiteLover #Edmond
Dear Master: NU: carnival will undergo an update starting 14:00 (UTC+8) Mar 10 (Thu). The servers will stay live during the update. For details of the update please see the official
Good afternoon, Masters! NU: carnival will be undergoing maintenance on Mar 9 from 9:30 to 10:30 (UTC+8). The servers will be down during this period. Masters, you’ll be unable to play during this time! Please forgive us for any inconvenience caused.
NU: carnival has reached 1 million downloads! Masters, to thank you for all your support, your trusty butler has prepared a special reward! Rewards: Contract Bundle (Essence Contract x10) Reward Code: nucarnival1M The above code is valid until 03/31/2022 23:59 (GMT +8).
【20220308 Developers Announcement 】 Following the Mar 10 update, we will be sending out compensation to remedy the following situations. For details please see : If you encounter any issues, please contact .
Rewards:Spirit Gemsx50+Holy Water (S)x10 Reward Code: nucarnival5K Rewards:Spirit Gemsx50+Holy Water (S)x20 Reward Code: nucarnival10K Rewards:Spirit Gemsx100+Coins x5000 Reward Code: nucarnival30K
Rewards:Spirit Gemsx50+Basic Boost x1 Reward Code: nucarnival50K Rewards:Spirit Gemsx200+Express Pass x50 Reward Code: nucarnival80K Rewards:Spirit Gemsx300 Reward Code: :nucarnival100K
【20220309 Game Error Announcement】 Good evening Dear Masters. Due to certain issues, Cloud Play will be down for an emergent maintenance, players will not be able to login to the game while the fix is in progress. Thank you for your support and understanding.
NU: carnival - "White Storm" PV The Passion Café welcomes all Masters to come enjoy an afternoon filled with expertly handcrafted chocolates. Talented chef, Yakumo, and dessert expert, Edmond, will be on hand to provide any services you require... #WhiteStorm #LimitedTimeEvent
[A Letter from the Producer] Hi, everyone, NU: carnival’s producer here! Let me share some of our future plans for NU: carnival. Please head to the official website:
【20220310 Developers Announcement】 Dear Master: To ensure post-update game quality, our team will need to postpone update completion to 03/10 15:00 (UTC+8). Please head to the official
[White Storm] Passion Café is open for business! When? Today till Mar 31, 12:00(UTC+8) Check the official website or in-game for more #NUcarnival #BL #Yaoi #WhiteStorm #Yakumo #Edmond
[White Storm] Limited Time Packs! Availability: from today till Mar 31, 12:00(UTC+8) Please head to the official website: #NUcarnival #WhiteStorm #LimitedTimePacks
NU: carnival Derivative Work Guidelines Please head to the official website:
Good evening, Masters! Your trusty butler here. I had a go at trying out one of Master Yakumo's chocolate recipes... I'm sure you Masters can guess what they are... right? Right? I'll share Master Yakumo's recipe so you can give it a try too, Master!
Happy White Day, Masters! Masters, to thank you for all your support, your trusty butler has prepared a special reward! Rewards: Spirit Gems*100 Reward Code: KEOXV4RNXZ5 The above code is valid until 04/30/2022 23:59 (GMT +8). Get moving, Masters!
Master Yakumo's Recipe for Chocolate Liqueurs 🍷
I’m here to share a little of Master Eiden’s backstory! Your trusty butler might not understand what these “toys” are, but word has it they make people super happy! But just how does a “fake ****” make people happy? Are there any Masters out there who can help me understand?
NU: carnival has reached 2 million downloads 🎉 Masters, to thank you for all your support, your trusty butler has prepared a special reward! - Rewards: Essence Contract x20 - Reward Code: nucarnival2M The code is valid until 04/16/2022 23:59 (GMT +8). Get moving, Masters!
【3/17 Update Notice】 Dear Master: NU: carnival will undergo an update starting 14:00 (UTC+8) Mar 17 (Thu). The servers will stay live during the update. For details of the update please see the official
Here are the answers to my chocolate conundrum! Did everyone guess correctly?
【3/17 Update Complete】 Dear Master: The update is now complete! Please restart the game to download the updated data. For details of the update please see the official