
⏰1Minute x Cloud Castles 🎟5x WL Spots for Public 🎟10x WL Spots for OGs To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @cloudcastlesgg @ONEMINNFT @ONEMINGiveaways 2️⃣ Like & RT & Tag 3 3️⃣ Join 1Minute Alpha discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️48hrs #NFTGiveaways
⏰1Minute x League of Kingdoms 💎2x Drago Mystery Box for Public 💎1x Drago Mystery Box for OGs To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @LeagueKingdoms @RealPelleusLoK @ONEMINNFT @ONEMINGiveaways 2️⃣ Like & RT & Tag 3 3️⃣ Join 1Minute Alpha discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️48hrs #NFTGiveaways #Airdrops
⏰1minuteNFT X SUHOSIN GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆WL x 4 To enter: 1️⃣Follow @ONEMINNFT @SuhosinWorld 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends 4️⃣ Discord Join discord.gg/fRDks6MCaM ⌛️72hrs
⏰1Minute x Miniverse GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆WL spot x 3 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @_MiniverseNFT 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends If you want to get more spot superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x Iroku 🎟10x WL Spots for Public 🎟28x WL Spots for OGs To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @IrokuNFT @ONEMINNFT @ONEMINGiveaways 2️⃣ Like & RT & Tag 3 3️⃣ Join 1Minute Alpha discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️48hrs #NFTGiveaways
⏰1Minute x Spectre GIVEAWAYS⏰ We will be giving away: 🏆WL spots for @TheSpectre_NFT To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @0x1Minute & @TheSpectre_NFT 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends There are more wl spots here superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x gimme GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆WL spot x 2 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @nft_gimme 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends If you want to get more spot superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x H4C 🎟️3x H4C WL To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @h4cstudio @ONEMINNFT @0x1Minute 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 friends There are more wl spots here superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs #NFTGiveaways
⏰1Minute x The Rat Trap GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆WL spot x 3 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @TheRatTrapNFT 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends If you want to get more spot superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️24hrs
⏰1Minute x Sushi Cats GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆Freemint spot x 3 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @thesushicatsnft 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends If you want to get more spot superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x Neko no Mori 猫の森 🎟10x WL Spots for Public 🎟30x WL Spots for OGs To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @NekoNoMoriNFT @ONEMINNFT @ONEMINGiveaways 2️⃣ Like & RT & Tag 3 3️⃣ Join 1Minute Alpha discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️48hrs #NFTGiveaways
⏲️1minuteNFT x BellyGom벨리곰 🏆 OG x 3 WL x 10 ✅Follow @ONEMINNFT @bellygom ✅ Discord discord.gg/YtBJyhWQ6C ✅Go youtube youtu.be/Kn-TK9Y0mo4 ✅Like, RT, Tag 3 friends #Giveaway #nftcomunity #NFTs #ETHNFTs #Toolnft #Airdrop #NFTAirdrops
⏰1Minute x Ethernal Ones 🎟️3x Ethernal Ones WL To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @EthernalOnes @ONEMINNFT @0x1Minute 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 friends There are more wl spots here discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x Aptos Ducks GIVEAWAYS⏰ We will be giving away: 🏆3x WL spots for @aptosduckss To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT @0x1Minute @aptosduckss 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends There are more wl spots here alphabot.app/1minute-x-apto… ⌛️48hrs
⏰ 1분NFT 디스코드 오픈 이벤트 ⏰ 🏆1등 : 100USDT ( 테더로 지급 ) 🏆2등 : 렛저 S PLUS ( NFT유저라면 꼭 있어야할 콜드월렛 ) 🏆3등 : 뿌링클 치킨 기프티콘 x 10 🏆4등 : 아메리카노 기프티콘 x 50 👇구글폼 작성하고 참여하기 forms.gle/y3gy2MfHbhAoFg…
⏰1Minute x Play Afar GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆WL spot x 2 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT @0x1Minute @playafar @thankgodidenyi5 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends If you want to get more spot superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x MoonBelieverz 💎5x NFT Airdrops for Public 🎟60x WL Spots for Public 🎟40x WL Spots for OGs To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @MoonBelieverz @ONEMINNFT @ONEMINGiveaways 2️⃣ Like & RT & Tag 3 3️⃣ Join 1Minute Alpha discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️24hrs #NFTGiveaways
⏰Aumssa X 1minuteNFT GIVEAWAY⏰ 🏆Airdrop x 10 To enter: 1️⃣Follow @ONEMINNFT @KwangjaeLee12 2️⃣RT & Like 3️⃣Tag 3 Friends (more tags = more entries) 4️⃣Telegram join t.me/nftimagod ⌛️5days #NFTs #Airdrop #Giveaway
⏰1Minute x Eno 🎟️3x Eno WL To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @EnoClones @ONEMINNFT @0x1Minute 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 friends There are more wl spots here superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x Vivity GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆WL spot x 2 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @VivityNFT 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends If you want to get more spot superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x Abstract Realm GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆WL spot x 3 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @AbstractRealm_ 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends If you want to get more spot discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️24hrs
⏰1Minute x Moon Believerz 💎5x NFT Airdrops for Public 💎5x NFT Airdrops for OGs To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @MoonBelieverz @ONEMINNFT @ONEMINGiveaways 2️⃣ Like & RT & Tag 3 3️⃣ Join 1Minute Alpha discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️24hrs #NFTGiveaways #Airdrop
⏰1Minute x Shen 🎟️2x #Freemint Shen WL To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ShenNFT_ @ONEMINNFT @1Minute_0001 2️⃣ Like & RT & Tag 3 3️⃣ Join 1Minute Alpha discord.gg/1minutealpha ⌛️24hrs #NFTGiveaways
⏰1Minute x Familiars GIVEAWAYS⏰ We will be giving away: 🏆3 x WL spots for @FamiliarStudios To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @0x1Minute & @FamiliarStudios 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends There are more wl spots here superful.xyz/project/1-minu… ⌛️48hrs
⏰1Minute x From Tube GIVEAWAYS⏰ 🏆WL spot x 3 To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @ONEMINNFT & @0xFromtube 2️⃣ Like & RT 3️⃣ Tag 3 or more friends ⌛️48hrs