Stray Kids Streams 𝄞(@skz_streams)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Most viewed 4th Gen Boygroups MVs on YouTube: #1. #GodsMenu - 393M #2. #BackDoor - 306M #3. #Thunderous - 292M #4. Blue hour - 177M #5. #MANIAC - 176M #6. #MIROH - 174M Let's occupy the top 5 with all @Stray_Kids music videos!!
Number of days it took #StrayKids to reach 800M Spotify streams in a year: 2021 — 305 days 2022 — 189 days 2023 — 124 days 🔥
.@Stray_Kids "CASE143" MV has surpassed 99,400,000 (99,4M) views on YouTube. 600K 🔜 100M 🔗: KEEP STREAMING STAY!! 🔥🔥 #CASE143to100M #StrayKids
First 4th Generation Album to reach 1 BILLION streams on Spotify **— 689,820,201 (+2,37M) Estimated days for 1B = 131 #INLIFE - 834,824,032 (+1,02M) Estimated days for 1B = 161 • 1,2M daily we'll hit 1B in 131 days • 1,5M daily we'll hit 1B in 110 days #RACEforINLIFEto1B
.@Stray_Kids’s “Christmas Evel” Album has surpassed 100 MILLION streams on Spotify! 👏🥳 🎄… #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
.@Stray_Kids Albums with most #1's on iTunes #1 ODDINARY - 58 #2 NOEASY - 42 #3 #SKZREPLAY - 36* (+1, Colombia) #4 MAXIDENT - 33 #5 IN LIFE, Christmas EveL - 28 *still counting 📌 Purchase all tracks on SKZ-REPLAY album separately…
Since the comeback is early June is expected the pre-order will open soon. Purchase the album as soon as possible when pre-order links are out. Good pre-order sales on very early stages will help determine the demand and to avoid JYPE understock the album.
#INLIFE has received 975,239 streams on Spotify yesterday (05/04), It's #INLIFE highest daily streams this year!🔥 — 829,908,467 (+975,239)🔺 1M streams for next update 👀 LET'S GO STAY!! STREAM MORE!!
First 4th Generation Album to reach 1 BILLION streams on Spotify #INLIFE - 848,591,873 (+956,048) Estimated days for 1B = 158 **— 720,999,400 (+2,152,705) Estimated days for 1B = 130 • 1M daily we'll hit 1B in 151 days • 1,2M daily we'll hit 1B in 126 days #RACEforINLIFEto1B
"★★★★★ (5-STAR)" Trailer is now most viewed @Stray_Kids Trailer video in the first 24 hours! #1 ★★★★★ (5-STAR) - 2,919,011* #2 MAXIDENT - 2,914,532 #3 ODDINARY Main - 2,271,633 #4 IN生 - 2,010,908 *still counting We are so close to hit 3M views!!
Stay we only 200M streams away to reach 1 Billion streams in 2023. If we increase our daily streams to 6,7M we can reach it before ★★★★★ (5-STAR) release. Keep on streaming STAY! do it as streaming practice before comeback!!🔥🔥…
.@Stray_Kids has surpassed 11,000,000 (11M) followers on Spotify. They are the 2nd KPop Boygroup to reach this mark!🎉👏
"#TASTE (Lee Knows, Hyunjin, Felix)" has now surpassed 40 MILLION streams on Spotify. It's their 2nd fastest B-Side to reach this mark! #1. Charmer - 201 days #2. TASTE - 204 days 🆕 #3. Red Lights - 224 days
.@Stray_Kids “CASE 143” MV has now surpassed 95 MILLION views on YouTube. Less than 5M views away to reach 100M. Stream #CASE143 along with #BackDoor MV!! 🔗 #CASE143to100M #StrayKids
Longest charting K-Pop groups on Spotify Top Artists USA 🇺🇲 #1. BTS — 511 days* #2. TWICE — 106 days* #3. @Stray_Kids — 95 days*🔺 BLACKPINK — 95 days #4. Newjeans — 69 days *still charting
.@Stray_Kids is back as the highest charting JYPE Artists on Spotify Global Top Artist Chart (Mar 27).
First 4th Generation Album to reach 1 Billion streams on Spotify #INLIFE - 851,526,204 (+971,599) Estimated days for 1B = 153 **— 727,539,151 (+2,184,117) Estimated days for 1B = 125 • 1M daily we'll hit 1B in 148 days • 1,2M daily we'll hit 1B in 123 days #RACEforINLIFEto1B
#RACEforINLIFEto1B "IN LIFE" - 856,391,641 (+1,004,723) Estimated for 1B = 144 days ** — 738,007,008 (+2,083,025) Estimated for 1B = 126 days 🚨GAP: 18 days (-1) 🔻 We back to 1M daily 👏 but we need more if we want reach 1B first, let's get 1,2M streams this week!!
#GodsMenu MV is now 9,5M views away to reach 400M views on YouTube. 🔗 #GodsMenuto400M @Stray_Kids
First 4th Gen Album to reach 1 Billion streams on Spotify ** — 2,326,606 (-24,146) Total: 696,875,659 Estimated to 1B = 130 days #INLIFE - 1,046,556 (+4,155) Total: 837,952,828 Estimated to 1B = 155 days 🚨 GAP — 25 days 🚨 #RACEforINLIFEto1B
Stay have you stream "Mixtape: Time Out" today? remember the song is on "★★★★★ (5-STAR)" Album tracklist so the stream will be adding to total number! "Mixtape: Time Out" is our top priority now until the comeback, run this focused playlist now:…
Stay both "CASE 143" and "Back Door" MVs are close to reach a new milestone. Back Door: 297,3M → 300M 🚪 CASE 143: 91,3M → 100M 💗 let’s stream their mvs while waiting for the encore concert!!
#CASE143 is less than 2M streams away to hit 100M, this will be #StrayKids 6th song to reach this mark! Let's do a streaming party so we can increase #INLIFE to 1,5M and #CASE143 to 400K daily. Reply your streaming ss here with the tags⤵️ #RACEforINLIFEto1B #CASE143to100M
Stay let's make "5-STAR" Trailer become most viewed @Stray_Kids trailer in the first 24 hours. 🌟 Current record is 2,9M views. Keep streaming and don't forget to like, comment and share!! #5_STAR #StrayKidsComeback #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
.@Stray_Kids "Back Door" MV has surpassed 299,300,000 (299,3M) views on YouTube. 700K 🔜 300M 🔗: #BACKDOORto300M #StrayKids