@shxtou u wanna do space mountain
@uki_violeta Dm me immediately
@KyoKanek0 @uki_violeta Got bro cornered and he's pulling out the existentialism
@KyoKanek0 @uki_violeta Sorry my asmr tired you out post nut clarity will do that to a mf
funny tweet
wait oh my god my twitter was down selen's boobs okay
@Rosemi_Lovelock thank you so true rosemi please dont kill me
ahaaaa babe you look so schedule rn aha lemme suck on those timezones aha
General - #VoxAkuma LIVE - #VoxPopuLIVE Art - #Akurylic / NSFW - #Akumasutra Memes - #AkumaMatata Kindred/Fans - #Kindraw Thumbnails - #AkThumbA Assets - #Akumassets Food - #Akulinary Fanfic - #kinfiction ASMR - #AkuSMR Design - @firestealing Art by @LGssVT_0616 !
ultra rare late waiting room because twitter was down and i couldn't look for fanart yesterday, i need to play this game 5 times because of the number of submissions we got 😳cult of the lamb starting at 10PM JST!! youtu.be/_HcymVCXM1s
that was fast
I can't sleep, I need a hug so bad 😞
@shxtou Waaaaaaa 🫂
I feel terrible but I think I'm gonna cancel stream. I just don't feel up to it after such little sleep. Sorry
@Mysta_Rias Croissant 🤯
Thanks for being patient with me ❤️I had a bad day but I'm back! Reunite with me in minecraft and we'll spend god knows how long building together at 9PM JST! youtu.be/xRMIFwhveeU
@Mysta_Rias it was me im eating your insulation
Check out the new fit 😎 #PR twitter.com/curtain_d_j/st…