@Fulgur_Ovid your twitter beef game is literally so dry you're turning to innocent people that died 400+ years ago to roast, and not only that, you're implying i don't already have a pair of gucci slides? not interested in your discount spare-part flip flops thank you youngster
@Fulgur_Ovid your roast is still barren as the future you came from, you've called me dead 4+ times, and yeah, I might finally be able to sleep when I bury these shoes in your mouth, prick
@_lil_li_li I think the brain is smooth like metal personally
I need to go to sleep but I can't let the robot win
@Fulgur_Ovid I read this tweet like 6 times and I still don't see the roast. You're quoting the Belmonts now? Am I a vampire or is your memory short circuiting? I might just fall asleep out of boredom at this rate
@uki_violeta Don't get up the springlock suit must hurt to walk around in its okay
@Fulgur_Ovid I'm glad you enjoy my ASMR, I need to go to sleep, lemme try this Ratio + 🦍
do cyborgs twerk to electric beats
Live with the sims now, let's find a home for these lovely boys (and fulgur) youtu.be/XIjMf23Of6Q
@Mysta_Rias oh my fucking god
@Fulgur_Ovid dont care + didnt ask + you're bald
@Fulgur_Ovid i was doing great until i had to see your face, yeah
@Fulgur_Ovid oh please it took me 5 minutes to show the world the bald house elf you really are, don't act so tough
the samsung smart fridge is acting smarmy again
@Fulgur_Ovid i think you're malding over the fact that it takes your rusty ass arm 35 minutes to creak over to the reply button after you write your dry ass tweets
@Fulgur_Ovid @IStreamKat He's just started threatening my life now
@Fulgur_Ovid @Yugo_Asuma Like it or not I'm your oni-onii
@Yugo_Asuma I'm so glad, welcome to the family 🦍
so, sims came a day early, what we streaming tonight?
@Yugo_Asuma arteest 🎨🖌️
@ike_eveland i'll drink to that brother
Chill zatsuscape coming at you tonight at 11PM JST, fall asleep to or chat with me while I do some more early game quests~ youtu.be/BS-HvJLMWg8