I can't describe how much I miss you. I'll be home soon, I promise ❤
I'm starting to worry about him...
Went to a souvenir shop. There was a father's day section without a No. 1 Dad mug. My day is ruined.
I took this before I left for my trip!
@ReimuEndou I'll always be here if ever you need support. Please rest well, I'm so sorry for your loss ❤
I miss you! 😭 Baba keeps returning to the trees
Baba's coming with me
bitches call me bilbo baggins the way I be going on an adventure
General - #VoxAkuma LIVE - #VoxPopuLIVE Art - #Akurylic / NSFW - #Akumasutra Memes - #AkumaMatata Kindred/Fans - #Kindraw Thumbnails - #AkThumbA Assets - #Akumassets Food - #Akulinary Fanfic - #kinfiction ASMR - #AkuSMR Art by @yui930_log !!
As implied on my ASMR stream, this is my week off <3 I have one tiny stream in the middle before I move, and then I'll be in my new house 😳
@Mysta_Rias 🥺❤️
Thanks for seeing me off, love. I'll see you in a week❤️
live now with my last stream before my break- let's go on one last date? <3 youtu.be/w9KzGoTRNuE
One more stream before my break; let me be your boyfriend for one more day? ❤️youtu.be/w9KzGoTRNuE
i'm also most likely gonna seek out a good therapist, i never really stopped to think about how this much success in this little time could affect a person's mental but here we are~ thank you for encouraging me to look after myself. Ily guys <3
thanks for all the support today- and I hear you! I think working so hard has definitely led to me ignoring my mental health in some ways. I'm gonna go on my trip and touch as much grass as I can, hopefully coming back stronger than ever❤️
I'm going live in 5 minutes and due to a lot of anxiety I've been feeling over the past few days I'd really like to have a chat with you all at the beginning. If you wanna hear what I have to say, please drop by? Thank you <3
committing sims mitosis and splitting into 5 alter egos in an hour youtu.be/PBb9YtkPBV0
tonight at 10PM JST, let's jump back into the akumaverse sims house and fill it with my ASMR alters; a character creation marathon that won't end until we hit 800K! <3 youtu.be/PBb9YtkPBV0
@uki_violeta resume on my desk, 9 AM sharp. don't be late 😘
Venison burgers with cranberry and orange relish, chips with truffle mayo and lettuce with a mustard vinaigrette 🥰
resident evil 2 starting now! i cant wait to jump back into this franchise heehee youtu.be/EbuMjcbn5dw