And after, I've been wanting to go back over some quizzes like MBTI, love languages and others for a chill zatsu to cap off the day. See you at 11PM JST for this one
2 streams tomorrow kindred <3 I wanna give all non-members the chance to watch a movie with me, so hopefully a little taster of the Vox film club experience might sway you? That's at 6PM JST!
@shxtou acting like i dont already smh
@Mysta_Rias We'll be here for you ❤️
@HaYun2434 😵‍💫🤝😵‍💫
日本語 😵‍💫
@1000000lome ガンバ!!! 🤝
@1000000lome ピルク=50%ペプシ+50%ミルク!😋🍴💕
@shxtou Are they sensitive
@1000000lome ピルク?🥤🥛
Member's stuff too! General - #VoxAkuma LIVE - #VoxPopuLIVE Art - #Akurylic / NSFW - #Akumasutra Memes - #AkumaMatata Kindred/Fans - #Kindraw Thumbnails - #AkThumbA Assets - #Akumassets Food - #Akulinary Fanfic - #kinfiction ASMR - #AkuSMR Thumbnail by @qin_lin0427 !!
edited the vod, come back in a few hours to rewatch without scuff
Issues fixed I think! We're starting now…
Starting now, I hope I can help my master as they return home from their day.
Tonight at 11PM JST, I've been instructed to take care of you, my master, after a long and arduous day of trivialities. Butler ASMR:
@Mysta_Rias rest well!
@rpr When u play games u rly do bring your whole dick
@shxtou You're a gamer, that's hot
That said, I'm gonna be joining Shoto tonight for Elden Ring!! if u miss me I'll be on his channel
hey kindred, i've been having a think and I'd like to delay the ASMR stream until monday💔I pushed myself really hard this week and I don't know if I'd make something of the quality you expect with how tired I feel. With an extra day I know I can make it special, I'm so sorry
live on the grill in 5 minutes gamers
I'm in this one- authentic morning voice inside, get it while it's hot (that's a joke, it's always hot)…