At the doctors waiting for my appointment and I opened a yt short merry made with him and I, volume was maxed out and it opened with me barking. Everyone heard. Someone get me out of this nightmare
@shu_yamino He's just a genius
@Fulgur_Ovid @camao0531 Cybussy
I need that report on why you keep begging for more ASMR on my desk by 11PM JST tonight, or there'll be consequences.
fun's not over, after party in 10 minutes!!
i had fun!!!
your appointment is at 11PM JST- i'm keen to paint a portrait that captures all of your best qualities 💋
if we had the power to see what doppio was thinking it'd trigger an apocalyptic event
@ike_eveland GET OUT OF MY HEAD
@Mysta_Rias listen man building a soul sand elevator is such a pain in the shaft 😏
@ike_eveland Every second you're not running I am only getting closer
vox akuma (chris pratt) meeting hex haywire for the first time (2022, colorized)
@uki_violeta Everything has a price
kyo is radiating enough nervous energy to power a small town, i love him
not sick anymore 🥳
wake me up when enna blinks
Do you get enjoyment out of ruining mine and everyone else's day? Have you not thought that this might be the only time someone gets to relax? If you won't keep quiet in this library, perhaps I'll have to shut you up myself. LIBRARIAN ASMR 10PM JST:…
@Mysta_Rias come to my place we can get pizza