Okay due to the pain in my hip i think tomorrow im going to use as a rest day and ill sort out the schedule during that time! Sorry for the delay but yeah i wont schedule any extra days off so dont worry! 🧡🥲
Schedule 4th - 10th July 🧡- Art: @/KSBD72608219
@ike_eveland i had to finish it im sorry LOL
What's the best dish you can make?
Good morning! *pukes on your floor*_
it just occurred to me that everyday someone is borned which means everday is someones birthday 🫢🫢🫢
I will be cancelling today's Happy's Humble stream due to some negative feelings i've been having the past few hours. I dont think it would be right to stream whilst feeling like this. My apologies. I will still stream tonight at 9pm.
Hi. 🔴LIVE: youtu.be/i4wFQ5gl9Z0
thanks everyone! 🧡
I’m exhauuuusted! Night night 🧡🥱😴
My steam download keeps going from peak DL speed to 0 and its making this take forever to download..😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 🔴LIVE: youtube.com/watch?v=U5jDNx…
@shu_yamino if it isnt obvious already this was a batsu
is an air conditioner actually a good investment? 🤔
@uki_violeta is it hard to set up?
@uki_violeta Oh! ill ask my friends to help me then! wait..
@Petra_Gurin @shu_yamino real question do penguins actually have ears?
Late night can’t sleep thoughts: Green apples are absolute dog shit
Too hot, sticks leg out of covers, leg gets cold, puts leg back under cover, head too hot, flips pillow, legs hot again, stick both legs out, overthink about monsters that could eat my feet, get scared and put feet back under covers, head hot again so flip pillow back, cry
Goooood morning!!!