@Ver_Vermillion im so sorry to hear you lack toes :c
this song has been in my head for way too long
OH there might have been a slight misunderstanding with something i've said so i am privating the vod until management message back but it should be fine! Just waiting on the reply OOPSIE 😅
@luca_kaneshiro Man this brings back memories
@Teafullys2 mastrubate
if u know of any fanart of me wearing a bunny girl outfit please reply with it
@Ver_Vermillion how do they fit an apple into that
5 am but i had fun with friends :) gn guys!!
@MariaMari0nette i will unpain you! 🪄✨
@HexHaywire u have booba?
i want to lay on booba
you all underestimate my power
what did i do now
Year of the rabbit. Year of the rabbit. Year of the rabbit. youtube.com/watch?v=iK7X9k…
I can either do something normal today or do something wacko. I’m deciding how insane I’m feeling today before stream
I’m sleeping and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!
Mama rias watched my drunk stream today….
god dman i a M NOT CXUTE
i drink. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -> youtube.com/watch?v=Yvo_MA…