@luca_kaneshiro The callouses or biting them off with my teeth?
@Vox_Akuma i will jazz all over you sir
@Vox_Akuma How would you like it cooked?
I can’t wait to get finger callouses from playing guitar so I can bite them off and get that stinging fresh skin texture
i learned twinkle twinkle little star on guitar. PRAISE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today i learn guitar (i learn 1 chord and then think im good) > youtube.com/watch?v=W9f3yK…
I just got into bed
now to never touch the guitar for another 10 years
i learned 4 guitar chords today. i am now a god. bow down before me.
i havent tweeted in 24 hours... im gonna do some stuff with blood tonight with my friends! 🔪 22:00 PM GMT / 07:00 AM JST 🩸 > Waiting Room: youtube.com/watch?v=U5ALw-…
Biting my nails and storing them in a jar
soooo RARE twitch stream cuase buggggs twitch.tv/mystarias
Becoming an assassin today 🔪 🔴 LIVE: youtube.com/watch?v=LucQ-i…
@shu_yamino lets do the dance together
That needy streamer overload song was actually a banger
Needy streamer overload, yeah idk anything bout this game but it looks cute so weeeeeee 🔴 LIVE: youtube.com/watch?v=nTAXF1…
@Vox_Akuma ive touched those feet
I’m gonna go to sleep! When I wake up the most liked reply image becomes my profile pic for a day (as long as not copyrighted lol)
i want hot pot!!!!!
@ike_eveland Yeeeep. Welp it seems it is what it is
Covid huh? Hm alright Sorry to all the fans who were looking forward to this event and all the members who have been caught in this and stressed to hell and back. Hopefully we can all make memories in other ways this year and provide as much entertainment as possible without it.
@EnnaAlouette Well you know what enna im proud of you and I’m also proud of me. Lets be the best at doing absolutely nothing!