@shxtou Oh! Ur...uhhh No wait I remember u don’t tell me... Uh... Mmmm . . . . . . OH ur that guy from sword art online right
@ike_eveland Lets gooo 😤
@shxtou All form of raisin is good but ur right chocolate raisins get their own league
@EliraPendora That scene…I legit AUUUGHHHH’d in real life then hit my pillow
@uki_violeta i usually howl
@uki_violeta WHAT DO U MEAN
@MelocoKyoran Absolutely CRACKED
@EliraPendora because..its their clothing!!!!
@shxtou U always say these things yet never do it
@EliraPendora Good morning Miss Pendora. I'm not sure who that person is as I have never played Persona. I'm sure they are lovely. Good morning again. Today is a day of awakening.
@Rosemi_Lovelock Next time we gon have the Mysta Rosemi Panel to discuss important matter around the world such as pineapple on pizza
@AsterArcadia I need to get back into it
auh AUUGH AWOOOOO grrrrrrrr YAAAAAAAAAAA 🕐youtube.com/watch?v=0WG8u3…
@KyoKanek0 Neapolitan ice cream with chocolate sauce 🫢🤤
@luca_kaneshiro PogFish.gif
@EnnaAlouette ?????????????? Wtf is this Enna
@CovfefeChan I need cock
@Vox_Akuma He has 4 billion net worth I don’t think he’d be bothered 😭
@RenZott0 @KyoKanek0 please dont lie to your genmates