@shu_yamino You enjoyed it by laughing at my pain
@ac76912 literally no one has ever said this
@Vox_Akuma Congrats!!!!!!
@shxtou ur so musky
AHHH 2 PEOPLE DREW REALLY NICE THUMBNAILS FOR BEAT SABER AND I WANNA USE BOTH 😭😭 (another beat saber stream next week? 👁️👁️)
Hi all! I know this probably isn’t something many people noticed but just wanted to say it anyway! I’m sorry for replying to a “hate” tweet! I hadn’t slept and was cranky as it was like 6am was just scrolling in through twitter search as I tend to look at my name a lot.
have a LOVELY SHINY DAY!! eheheh So happy and lovely happy days yay yay yayyyyy Come grab my hand and lets ride on a rainbow! WEEEEEEEWWWOOSSSHSHHHHHHHHHH OKAY BRACE YOURSELF WAHAAAAAAAAAAA we made it!!!! LETS EAT!!!
I know this is just me overthinking but I wanna say sorry I haven’t been as 24/7 on social media the past week! I’ve been house hunting and it’s been rough! I feel bad cause I might be seen as uncaring or something idk OVERTHINKING POG 🥲
i cant wait to be sussy
ipn 💋
ASMR stream tomorrow! Gonna read ur comfort requests so if you want to ask me to comfort u / give support and advice use #MystaComfy ! 😳
@axelsyrios ごめんなさい!勃起と言うつもりでした
did twitter go down for anyone else? I THOUGHT I GOT BANNED
bruh i didnt even know there was 31 days in January #XSOLEIL
Okay I’m impressed he just went like 50000mph with those arm swings
@luca_kaneshiro NICE POGFILEPIC
@Petra_Gurin HI SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m alive. My throat however seems to be not so alive! 😀 (Recovering quietly in my room)
everytime i watch doppio i feel like im watching Yu-Gi-Oh abridged
@shxtou Bottom
I need a thumbnail tag and a body parts tag 🤔
I almost made Enna despawn while she was eating indomie no clickbait 😔🙏