It's official, ya boi is sick. Just swallowing hurts like heck and despite going through cough drops like nothing else, it's not getting better ;; I'll try to rest lots in time for ToF on Sunday!
@Mysta_Rias Same here..
@PomuRainpuff What an unfortunate thing for me to see just before bed.
I'm awake, but at what cost
nvm Vox vs The Cooler Vox happening tomorrow, i'm glad i'm awake
what's the english word for 𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒃𝒚𝒐𝒖? via @YouTube
I want this shirt so bad
Oh my God, you guys are so fast...
Bruh, I feel like I'm burning up and moving is such a struggle please carry me around someone
@EnnaAlouette Thanks for the advice, Enna. I'll do just that! ;v;
Tower of Fantasy (@ToF_EN_Official) has arrived on Windows and Mobile devices! Me and Shu will be exploring this shared open world MMORPG tomorrow!… Starting times: 12:00 PM PDT 04:00 AM JST Get the game here: #ToF #PR
I also took a crack at #createanimyself within the game~ You too can create yourself and maybe we’ll run into each other in Tower of Fantasy’s world..? Download now for a ton of cool additional rewards! #TowerofFantasy #PR
I did try to add glasses, but my options were limited...
@ReimuEndou bzz bzz boi
Thanks for coming to the stream! It was so much fun to run around and explore with everybody~ Check out the game for yourselves and we may run across each other in the future!
On top of the world #ToF
Pomu: You can actually train your cat to sit on your shoulder Petra: Alright Alban, sit
Pien in Boots
Upside, inside-out! Livin' la vida Luca~
Just a heads up! We're probably doing an afternoon stream again today so that I can get some sleep. For the rest of the week though, we should be back to normal streaming hours.. probably.
Annnnnnnnd I messed up the times. Reposting!