
👩🏻:NongMile,love you 🍒:♥️🫰🏿(smile*) 🥐:(😾)Give you a punch.He's MY MAN #MilePhakphum#Nnattawin
During the conversation between Apo and the host, Mile quietly helped Apo open the bottle cap. He always cared about Apo. Even the host on the scene could not help sighing, and she said: Mile is really very considerate. Very meticulous #GiffarineChinaxMileApo #MileApo
The fan said: Mile's mother replied "💚”to her. She published a wedding photo of MileApo made by her fans. Mile's mother expressed her love 😳😳 #MilePhakphum#Nnattawin
Pmile keeps saying 'Po, be careful' in her mouth!omg!Daddy,please relax. Ducks won't kidnap your babyPo~ He dotes on Apo too much, and I envy po for having such a boyfriend.😭cry!! #SummerExplorationxMileApo #MilePhakphum#Nnattawin @milephakphum @Nnattawin1…
R-trans: second time Q:Q:What was your inspiration for building a (building block) castle? 🍒:I want to make my castle stronger 🥐:I want to win, but I also want to follow the rules of the game .+ #SRICHANDSUMMERxMileApo…
trans: 🥐:Who will come tonight and why?eiei🤓 🍒:See you tonight #MileApo
Wait... where are these photos from😳 he is so handsome! @milephakphum#MilePhakphum #GreenyRose
OMG!We need to prepare tissues 😭 #ManSuang#แมนสรวง #MilePhakphum#Nnattawin
trans: MC:What is it difficult to do?x2 Mile:…… (This clip is not very complete, and I don't know what it means. Maybe MC wants Mile to talk about something, and Mile can't remember anything and doesn't know what to say. )#FHRoyalxMileApo2023 #MilePhakphum
I miss you my kittyPo😭 #THCEP9#Nnattawin
trans: Ask him to take a photo of his mother, is that what he took seriously?💚😂😂 🎸:555 #MilePhakphum@milephakphum #GreenyRose
OMG he is so cute🥹 fan asked if he could say “mo gu” He is on the phone and will respond to every fan even if he is very busy. I really love him, his pronunciation is so cute. I really want to pinch his little face😭 “mogu”=mushroom🍄 @milephakphum#MilePhakphum #GreenyRose
If you need any Chinese translation, just dm or “@” Sometimes, I also translate Thai, but rarely. I will always be here. MileApo is about to go international, They need more support from people and I will never leave.💚💛🙏#MileApo Do my best
The word in Apo's hand means“rabbit on the moon ”But Mile quickly answered correctly. Apo was very strange and asked him, "Shouldn't rabbits be in the zoo 555 #LegendofSRICHANDxMileApo
trans: Apo and Mile are so cute! cue Follow me to pose and take photos At a banquet at a restaurant with a history of over a hundred years (Scenes in Shoot|The House on Sathon). They perform the duties of the host make everyone laugh with them+ #MilePhakphum#Nnattawin
trans: I just met Apo from KPTS “chenglibo” He's really good(nice)About two hours ago,He's alone at the dessert place.+ @Nnattawin1#Nnattawin #apocoIIeagues
Damn , he's too handsome.😫 His smile and movements hit my heart. He's so perfect, I love this video ©wotaiel #MileApoxWoodyFMonStage #MilePhakphum@milephakphum
Samoye on the beach, He's so adorable. My wish is very small, I just hope you can have happy and healthy every day.🏖️💚 #SRICHANDSUMMERxMileApo #MilePhakphum@milephakphum
Lol Daddy😆🤣
On February 2, 2023, in Hong Kong, fans ran into Po. He was preparing to get on the bus. He looked so cute☺️ Cr:from小红书【喵呜嗷呜(减肥版)】 #Nnattawin
first half : 🍒:Porsche? 🍒:We have gone through many things together. right? 🍒:There are both happy things and bad things.+ @milephakphum#MilePhakphum @Nnattawin1#Nnattawin
Answer a question from dm “MaiMai= Mile's Chinese Transliteration “BoBo=chen li bo/Apo Chinese Transliteration” Chinese fans are accustomed to using reduplication to express cuteness. This is a cute nickname given by Chinese fans to them.+ #SRICHAND1948xMileApo