why are they always so... fruity
the prettiest https://t.co/v1Mi92YxOF
the finest man alive
mutual butt offerings
yunho chiming in saying that because wooyoung was so angry, he looked amazing that day LMAOO
he was frustrated but... oh my...
remember when wooyoung immediately put his arm down before yunho's head touched the floor
that couple in a friend group that's attached to each other 24/7
calm down wooyoung, no one's taking him away from you
#YUNWOO theヽ( ⌒▽⌒)ノヽ(>∀< )ノguys from ateez
daily wooyoung going feral on stage
they look like they're on those prank shows
"guys look we're on tv!!!"
wooyoung calling yunho hyung is kinda cute
wooyoung loves his yunho so much 😭
23 seconds of yunho barking in different fonts
yunho smiling because of jongho's gremlin laugh
kirby shouting in tiny stance
yunho being so surprised but still returns wooyoung's hug (and the little face squish 😞😞)
their personalities really show in the different ways they interact with the baby. yunho being more playful, jokes around while wooyoung babytalks and fusses over what the baby wants, but the fondness written on their faces are identical
when the food is so good you get kinda mad at it
the way yunho smiled when he saw wooyoung IM SO DEVASTATED 💔💔💔
wooyoung holding both of yunho's hands so no one else can