Keep it up ATINY! Let's break the wal!! Go go go! #ateez #MAMAVOTE twitter.com/ATEEZsystem/st…
📢 | 1ST ROUND MASS VOTING STARTS NOW Why you hesitating? Why you waiting? Join us at 3AM - 4AM KST! • website 2022mama.com • spotify 2022mama.com/vote/spotify • twitter vote with #ateez and #MAMAVOTE #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
📢 3AM KST UPDATE #14 : 457,711 (+10,238) ⬇️ ATZ : 440,504 (+3,278) ⬇️ #16 : 308,008 (+2,292) ⬆️ Gap #13 : 17,207 🚨 Gap #15 : 132,496 🚨 Don't forget to votes with your account and thank you for working so hard❤️🔥 #ateez #MAMAVOTE
ATINY! Reminder to Stream Guerrilla on 2022 MAMA AWARDS Playlist (30% points). - Stream Guerrilla 5x - Don't play other song on the playlist beside Guerrilla - Listen to minimum of 30s Drop your proof and tag your moots to do the same! #ateez #MAMAVAOTE open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
ATINY! This is our chance! Let's vote hard! 1 day and 14 hours to go!! 🔥 Can we have 3K increase in the next hour? #ateez #MAMAVOTE twitter.com/atiny_for_atee…
💻| 1ST ROUND MASS PRODUCTION ACC STARTS NOW! ATINY! WE NEED 1.000 ACCS FOR TODAY. Please donate here if you can. 🔥 • mama web 2022mama.com • donation link docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #ATEEZ #MAMAVOTE #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
ATINY ! Have you dropped your votes today? Drop your proof here and tag 3 of your friends! 🎯470K #ateez #MAMAVOTE twitter.com/LAtinyCrescent…
[🚨] UPDATE - 2 PM KST #16: 524,142 (+4,378) ATZ : 469,544 (+2,299)⬇️ #18: 322,129 (+1,578) Gap #16: 54,598🔺⚠️ Gap #18: 147,415🔺 Atiny, let's do 🎯2,5K votes for next hour! Shall we? #ateez #MAMAVOTE
[🚨] UPDATE - 3 PM KST #16: 529,156 (+5,014) ATZ : 470,565 (+1,021)⬇️❗️ #18: 324,085 (+1,956) Gap #16: 58,591⬆️⚠️ Gap #18: 146,480⬇️ Atiny, consistent is key, let's do 🎯2,5K votes for next hour! 🔥 #ateez #MAMAVOTE
ATINY! Its never too late to join! Even 1 vote is precious for our boys! Here's a tutorial you can use for web voting (holds 50%) of overall points! SPREAD IT LIKE A GUERRILLA! LETS DO THIS TOGETHER! NO ONE CAN STOP US !! #ateez #MAMAVOTE 🎥 : @ATEEZcommunity
[🚨] UPDATE - 8 PM KST #16 : 559,258 (+9,282) ⬆️ ATZ : 482,054 (+1,292) ⬇️🚨 #18 : 333,295 (+2,187) ⬆️ Gap #16 : 77,204 🚨🚨 Gap #18 : 148,752 ⚠️ Don't forget to catch your vote today atiny [2022mama.com/vote] #ateez #MAMAVOTE
[🚨] UPDATE - 9 PM KST #16 : 566,965 (+7,707) ⬇️ ATZ : 485,428 (+3,374) ⬆️🔥 #18 : 337,524 (+4,229) ⬆️ Gap #16 : 81,537 ⬆️ Gap #18 : 147,904⬇️ Prepare mass production in one hour. Keep cast your votes, Atiny!🔥 [2022mama.com/vote] #ateez #MAMAVOTE
💻| 2ST ROUND MASS PRODUCTION ACC STARTS NOW! Before the time reset, let's do our best today. Register your email and donate it to us as much as you can <3 • mama web 2022mama.com • donation link docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #ATEEZ #MAMAVOTE #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[🚨] UPDATE - 10 PM KST #16 : 575,330 (+8,365) ⬆️ ATZ : 489,317 (+3,889) ⬆️🔥 #18 : 340,228 (+2,704) ⬇️ Gap #16 : 86,013 ⬆️ Gap #18 : 149,089⬆️ Prepare MASS VOTING in next hour. Keep cast your votes, Atiny!🔥🔥 [2022mama.com/vote] #ateez #MAMAVOTE
[📻] 480zStationhead is ON AIR! We will beside you on mass produce and Mass Voting time. Keep cast your votes for #ateez on #MAMAVOTE ! stationhead.com/480z
📢 | 2ST ROUND MASS VOTING STARTS NOW Atinys, before reset time, let's increase our daily vote today, join us at 11PM - 12PM KST! • website 2022mama.com • spotify 2022mama.com/vote/spotify • twitter vote with #ateez and #MAMAVOTE #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[🚨] UPDATE - 11 PM KST #16 : 582,158 (+6,828) ⬇️ ATZ : 491,557 (+2,240) ⬇️❗️ #18 : 343,126 (+2,898) ⬆️ Gap #16 : 90,601 ⬆️ Gap #18 : 148,431⬇️ It's MASS VOTING TIME! CAST ALL YOUR VOTES, ATINY!🔥🔥 [2022mama.com/vote] #ateez #MAMAVOTE
[ EMERGENCY VOTING 12-2AM KST] We are entering LAST DAY for MAMA Prevote Round, please join us in Emergency Mass Vote and increase our daily votes as many as possible. All hands on deck, we can do this! #mamavote #ATEEZ
[🚨] UPDATE - 12 AM KST #16 : 584,859 (+2,701) ⬇️ ATZ : 497,421 (+5,864) ⬆️🔥 #18 : 345,863 (+2,737) ⬇️ Gap #16 : 87,438 ⬇️ Gap #18 : 151,558 ⬆️ GOOD JOB ATINY! LET'S GIVE YOUR ENERGY FOR THE LAST DAY🔥 [2022mama.com/vote] #ateez #MAMAVOTE
🚨23 HOURS NEAR CLOSING🚨 ATINY! Keep up the good work. We almost get there! Fighting!! 🔥 #ateez #MAMAVOTE twitter.com/ATEEZsystem/st…
🚨22 HOURS NEAR CLOSING🚨 ATINY! Let's keep on going. Result won't betray the effort! Let's do it for ATEEZ! 🎯2K for next hour, are you in? #ateez #MAMAVOTE twitter.com/atiny_for_atee…
Woah so amazing atinys 🔥 Keep it up for the next hour cause we've 2nd mass vote in an hour. Prepare your account and vote with us 👀🤗 #ateez #MAMAVOTE twitter.com/YeosangBR/stat…
🚨 MASS VOTE 2 START NOW 🎯 3,2K votes 🕑 05.00-06.00 AM KST Let's not forget to create other accounts for next mass vote time ❤️‍🔥 • website 2022mama.com • spotify 2022mama.com/vote/spotify • twitter vote with #ateez and #MAMAVOTE #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
🏴‍☠️ CHECKPOINT MV 2 🏴‍☠️ 516,479 (+1,340)🔥 🎯3.2K Votes Persistence is the key to triumph! 20 hours till the polls closed, lets sprint to the finish line! 🔥🔥🔥 #ateez #MAMAVOTE twitter.com/418y_/status/1…
🚨17 HOURS BEFORE CLOSING🚨 ATINY! Thank you for working so hard despite everything that has happened this year. You are amazing! Let's pick up our pace and reach higher votes! The nearer we are to #1 the bigger percentage we will get. FIGHTING 👊 #ateez #MAMAVOTE twitter.com/YeosangBR/stat…