
On the romantic and meaningful day of 520, @gulfkanawut will soon meet you with 520 exclusive gifts!❤️ Taobao:nonoo均都专卖店 Time:5/20 21:20🇨🇳 GULF KANAWUT #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #Phiballs
Wishing you —— glad days filled with friendliness, bright days filled with cheer, warm days filled with happiness,to last throughout the year! Have a wonderful brithday. @tangtanggulf @alazycate_socute @用爱写成诗 #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ @gulfkanawut
To Khun Aof/Be Happy Chinese New Year.🎁 Thanks for your kind care and guidance to GULF on the set. We wish you full of continuous joy,happiness and success for this upcoming year. All the best for today's shooting. #คุณหนูลูกภู #ลออจันทร์ #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #GulfKanawut #PhiBalls
To Gulf Sincerely wish you happiness and carefree speeding everyday,will support you forever. You are precious and treasured. Thanks @CnuAmy @gulfkanawut #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
2021.11.15 OFC opened "urmma"food truck support,GulfSuperpower established on that day. It has been nearly a year since 21.11.23 we first do support for @gulfkanawut. (+1) GULF KANAWUT #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #Phiballs
Gulf Kanawut's 25th birthday Project1 🧃Food Support Part 1 🧃 42 boxes of Oishi have been delivered to the concert set. Looking forward our surprise for Gulf tomorrow.💗🎁⚽ GULF KANAWUT #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #Phiballs @gulfkanawut
Can't wait to see you.😍🧸 @gulfkanawut GULF READY TO HK #GULFgotoHongKong #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ
May your life be always warm,gente and shining. Happy birthday my baby Gulf. Thanks @mimipingping #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
Gulf Kanawut's 25th birthday Project3 Offline Birthday Support 📍ShenZhen 🆒LED:12.2-12.4 🎁Support Gifts:12.4(You can pick up stikers/slogan/postcard at the scene December 4th for free) Happy birthday. @gulfkanawut #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #Phiballs
To Gulf's family Happy Songkran festival! Wish you and Por Alex,Mae Nuch,P'Grace full of happiness and good health this year. No matter what happens,Chinese Phiballs will always be here to support u and only love you.⚽️🏠 @gulfkanawut #DestinyclinicGulf #GulfKanawut #Phiballs
PROVAMED玻芮玫weibo update: 以Gulf & Multiverse of Provamed为主题的独家直播。Gulf将带你探索在各个不同的空间场景使用 Provamed 玻芮玫进行痘痘皮肤护理。不要错过9月17日19.30-21.00 在淘宝直播观看现场直播。让我们一起为Gulf加油吧 @gulfkanawut #ProvamedxGulf #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ
Congrats Gulf on winning the 3Plus star of the year 2021. There is nothing you would fear because we're here. May the path you walk will always be full of beautiful flowers🌺💐 Thanks @MomofairyAki @mimipingping @xlxchgulf @whale_gulf #GulfKanawut #Gift4GulfStarCh3Plus2021
Thanks to the sis who trusted us and joined us to do the food truck support for Gulf. He's always been him. He's never changed.Such a good boy deserves our love.We will always be on your side.🤍 @gulfkanawut GULF KANAWUT #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #GulfKanawut #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ…
Thanks all the team for working hard for "You are my makeup artist". Looking forward to meeting gatwa soon. Gat: "กั๊ตจะทำทุกอย่าง เพื่อให้คู่ควรกับคุณวาให้ได้" Phiballs:"We can do anyting to deserve Gulf." @gulfkanawut #GulfKanawut #ปิดกล้องมัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #Phiballs
Congrats Gulf on winning the 3Plus star of the year 2021. May the coming future be as you wish. May love and happiness always be around you.@gulfkanawut Thanks @ SallySally贝贝糕 #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #PhiBalls #Gift4GulfStarCh3Plus2021