
To Khun Aof/Be Happy Chinese New Year.🎁 Thanks for your kind care and guidance to GULF on the set. We wish you full of continuous joy,happiness and success for this upcoming year. All the best for today's shooting. #คุณหนูลูกภู #ลออจันทร์ #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #GulfKanawut #PhiBalls
Congratulations on releasing your single "WHY YOU SO SERIOUS” Thank you for giving us another great work. We wish you a more brilliant journey at the next stop. Please remember there's always Philballs here for you.Susuna! JOKER GULF #JOKERGULFISHERE @gulfkanawut
Congrats Gulf on winning the 3Plus star of the year 2021. May the coming future be as you wish. May love and happiness always be around you.@gulfkanawut Thanks @ SallySally贝贝糕 #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #PhiBalls #Gift4GulfStarCh3Plus2021
To Gulf's family Happy Songkran festival! Wish you and Por Alex,Mae Nuch,P'Grace full of happiness and good health this year. No matter what happens,Chinese Phiballs will always be here to support u and only love you.⚽️🏠 @gulfkanawut #DestinyclinicGulf #GulfKanawut #Phiballs
เขียนลงตรงหัวใจ🎤🎶 ROMANTIC TIME WITH KANAWUT #GULF1stFMinHongkong @gulfkanawut #GulfKanawut
To Gulf Sincerely wish you happiness and carefree speeding everyday,will support you forever. You are precious and treasured. Thanks @CnuAmy @gulfkanawut #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
Happy birthday, baby kana!Go chasing your dream,I hope you can go to the place that you want to reach most. Mom and wife will love you forever. Thanks @xlxchgulf @yurakisbr1 @chushuang4 #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ @gulfkanawut #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #PhiBalls
Happy 3rd anniversary of #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ in advance.⚽️ Thank you for being Gulf, thank you for letting us be your #Phiballs . Don't worry about anything, just go the way you want, and we will always be here for you. @gulfkanawut #GulfKanawut
It turns out that waiting can be so beautiful, because I love you.@gulfkanawut Thanks @Monica24853683 #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
Miss you again today.🌷💕 #VIFxGulfHazardKante #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut
Super delicious taokaenoi has already been purchased. Which flavor do you like?🔴🟢 #TaokaenoiNewBAKanawut #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut @taokaenoi_club
Gulf Kanawut's 25th birthday Project2 🌺Money Flower🌺 See you tomorrow.⚽🎁 GULF KANAWUT #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #Phiballs @gulfkanawut
Congrats Gulf on winning the 3Plus star of the year 2021. There is nothing you would fear because we're here. May the path you walk will always be full of beautiful flowers🌺💐 Thanks @MomofairyAki @mimipingping @xlxchgulf @whale_gulf #GulfKanawut #Gift4GulfStarCh3Plus2021
May your life be always warm,gente and shining. Happy birthday my baby Gulf. Thanks @mimipingping #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
If possible you must see him with your own eyes. He is too handsome to be true.🫠💖 #RimowaXGulf #GulfKanawut @gulfkanawut
Gulf Kanawut's 25th birthday Project1 🍱Food Support Part 2🍱 Lunch for staffs Set Green Curry with chicken*20 Set Chili Basil with Pork*20 Set Fried Garlic with Pork*20 GULF KANAWUT #SpectrumofGULF #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #Phiballs @gulfkanawut
Gulf Kanawut's 25th birthday project From 0:00 Dec.3 to 24:00 Dec.4,you will see Gulf on the open screen advertisement randomly when you use this app:"中国移动云盘" GULF KANAWUT #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #Phiballs @gulfkanawut
Thank you for the news report. Chinese fans are all glad to see excellent actors working with Gulf and will always support him.Susuna!⚽️💪 GULF KANAWUT #ดวงใจเทวพรหมdebutnight #GulfKanawut #น้องอาซาร์ของพี่กลัฟ @gulfkanawut