
Can't wait!! So excited🥳🥳 GULF KANAWUT #ดวงใจเทวพรหมdebutnight @gulfkanawut
So proud of you. We will always support you. Susuna today. @gulfkanawut PHUTHANETH × GULF #ฟิตติ้งลออจันทร์
May the sun shine everywhere you go, and may the distant warmth of your dreams be your destination. Happy birthday to Gulf! Thanks @ynzi94160182 @萌萌 @chunyan01618249 @gaogaodedianxin #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
Wish Gulf happy birthday, good health and will always support you. Thanks @魔法少女老张 @aggdlay @aigulfjojo @野子 #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
Gulf,you are our happiness.Let's stay together for a long long time. Thanks @闲闲 @楠🐷 @阿扎最可爱 @望源顺岁 #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
May you run in your love every year, everything goes well, and the rest of your life be sweet. Thanks @Linhuiying1987 #GiftGulfBirthDay25th #SpectrumofGULF #GulfKanawut
Arrived safely. Happy birthday!Our prince.@gulfkanawut Happy Birthday GULF #24thKANAWUTDay #GulfKanawut #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ
『Love you more than the day』 爱你不止在这一天❣️ 五二零 Night With KANAWUT #520GulfxNONOO #GulfKanawut
Happy 3rd years Birthday All PhiBalls⚽🥳 Let's stay with GULF for a long time. And thank you for everything @gulfkanawut,We want to tell you how happy we are to be your Phiballs. Love you, always! GULF KANAWUT #GulfKanawut #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ #Phiballs #3ขวบแล้วเจ้าลูกบอล
Bangkok Bank Berhad (BBB) and Bangkok Bank (China) Company Limited (BBC) have 4 branches in China. The history of entering China can be traced back to 1986. BangkokBank with KANAWUT #Be1stDigitalxGulf @gulfkanawut
Bangkok Bank is the largest bank in Thailand with a total asset of about 1.7 trillion baht. Founded in 1944, the head bank is located in Bangkok, Thailand.The company and small and medium -sized enterprises are in the leading position of Thailand. #Be1stDigitalxGulf
Thank you for your hard work and finally be here, we are proud of you, we only love you. GULF KANAWUT #ดวงใจเทวพรหมdebutnight @gulfkanawut
Banking is the industry that values the positive personal image of the presenter most. This time, it is not only happy that Gulf has a new presenter job, but is more proud of the industry's affirmation of Gulf. BangkokBank with KANAWUT #Be1stDigitalxGulf @gulfkanawut
“Big Movies Big Project 2022” Can’t wait to see P'Anne and Gulf's movie. So proud of u.@gulfkanawut ANNE X GULF #AnneGulfCH3XMPictures
Congratulations to our Gulf for being the first new presenter for Bangkok Bank,so proud of you. BangkokBank with KANAWUT #Be1stDigitalxGulf @gulfkanawut