ENHYPEN ASIA(@AsiaEnhypen)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

ENGENES EYES HERE Our 3rd wave of mass streaming (5:30PM - 4:30PM KST) for Future Perfect (Pass the MIC) Official MV on YT starts now 📣 Drop your streaming proofs below and encourage others to stream. #ENHYPEN  #MANIFESTO_DAY1   @ENHYPEN_members
[ENHYPEN PRE-VOTING] Pre-voting for THE SHOW (STAR PLANET) & SHOW CHAMPION (IDOL CHAMP) will both begin tonight (8PM KST) Let’s win the pre-votings & continue streaming. We can’t be complacent since we’re up against powerful competitors. #ENHYPEN #ENGENE
[ENHYPEN PRE-VOTING] Pre-voting for THE SHOW (STAR PLANET) & SHOW CHAMPION (IDOL CHAMP) are now open! Let’s secure the spot spot! This is a good start, be consistent and never be complacent. Let’s win this! #ENHYPEN  #ENGENE
[ENHYPEN PRE-VOTING] So far we’re doing good both on IDOL CHAMP and STAR PLANET but that doesn’t mean we should go easy on it. Keep on collecting hearts and jellies. Maximize your votes! #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[YOUTUBE | 220708] 9:05pm KST Here are updates of the current MV views of the K-POP groups competing with on Music Shows #ENHYPEN    - 9.8M views W****R - 7.7M W**N - 6.6M A***A - 4.8M V***Z - 937k ENGENES STREAM NOW @ENHYPEN_members
ENGENES EYES HERE Our 5th wave of mass streaming (9:30PM - 10:30PM KST) for Future Perfect (Pass the MIC) Official MV on YT starts now 📣 Drop your streaming proofs below and encourage others to stream. #ENHYPEN  #MANIFESTO_DAY1   @ENHYPEN_members
[ENHYPEN PRE-VOTING] As of 10:11 PM KST We’re still leading the pre- votings for THE SHOW and SHOW CHAMPION. Keep it up ENGENEs. Let’s widen the gap, and secure the top spot. #ENHYPEN  #MANIFESTO_DAY1  #FuturePerfect  @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[TAG PARTY FOR BILLBOARD HOT TRENDING SONG] Last wave of Tag Party for Biilboard Hot Trending Songs starts now! Walk The Line | Shout Out | Foreshadow #Paradoxxxinvasion     #EN_TFW   #MANIFESTO_DAY1   #ENHYPEN  @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[ENHYPEN PRE-VOTING] As of 11:00 PM KST We’re still leading on the pre-votings for THE SHOW and SHOW CHAMPION. Keep it up ENGENEs. Let’s widen the gap, and secure the top spot. #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1   #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
Our LAST wave of mass streaming (11 PM - 12 AM KST) for Future Perfect (Pass the MIC) Official MV on YT starts now 📣 Drop your streaming proofs below and encourage others to stream. 🔗 youtu.be/QMlNLo74mOw #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
INFO | 220708 KBS Kpop’s Official YouTube channel has changed their header into ENHYPEN’s photo 🔥 #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
FUTURE PERFECT ( Pass the MIC) streams tracker 📈 220709 00:00 kst 1st week Goal: 30M Views Accumulated: 9.966.960 Views Added Views: 🔻993,816 Total Percentage: 33.22% @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN                    #MANIFESTO_DAY1  #FuturePerfect   #PasstheMIC
#ENHYPEN  (엔하이픈) 'Future Perfect (Pass the MIC)' Official MV has surpassed 10M Views on YouTube! Keep streaming, ENGENEs! 🔗youtu.be/QMlNLo74mOw @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1   #FuturePerfect
[ENHYPEN PRE-VOTING] Pre-voting for MCOUNTDOWN is now open! 🔗 c11.kr/111rc #ENHYPEN  #MANIFESTO_DAY1    #FuturePerfect  @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[YOUTUBE | 220708] 01:23 KST Here are updates of the current MV views of the K-POP groups competing with on Music Shows #ENHYPEN   - 10M views A***A - 9.1M W****R - 8.2M W**N - 6.5M V***Z - 962k ⚠️KEEP STREAMING ENGENES @ENHYPEN_members
[EN-SCHEDULE] We have 3 schedules to look forward for tomorrow. We ask of you to please continue streaming during the blank hours tomorrow. Check out and be guided with our updated EN-SCHEDULE for their broadcasts and fansign events. #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[ENHYPEN PRE-VOTING] As of 4:00 AM KST #2 Future Perfect (Pass the MIC) - 31.7% Create more accounts and let’s take back the top spot again 📣 #ENHYPEN   #MANIFESTO_DAY1     #FuturePerfect   @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[YOUTUBE | 220709] 11:20am KST 🚨 🚨 🚨 Here are updates of the current MV views of the K-POP groups competing with on Music Shows ENGENES please stream now A***A - 20M #ENHYPEN  - 10.44M views W****R - 10.42M W**N - 6.7M V***Z - 1M @ENHYPEN_members
[YOUTUBE | 220709] 15:00 KST 🚨 🚨 🚨 ENGENES please stream now A***A - 23M W****R - 10.51M #ENHYPEN  - 10.48M views W**N - 6.8M V***Z - 1M Last tracking for SC MCD MB is tomorrow @ENHYPEN_members
[ENHYPEN PRE-VOTING] As of 1:16 PM KST MCOUNTDOWN PRE VOTE #2 Future Perfect (Pass the MIC) 🔗 mnetplus.world/community/vote… #ENHYPEN  #MANIFESTO_DAY1    #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[NOTICE] If our current view count still doesn’t make your finger lift & don’t even make you think thrice then maybe you should think again & realize that we are getting behind.Please stream with us. Tracking for other music shows ain’t done yet. Our SNS points are in danger. twitter.com/AsiaEnhypen/st…
YOUTUBE | 220709 ENHYPEN on &AUDITION - The Howling Ep. 1 🔗 youtu.be/O0SOK-_5owA TIME STAMP 6:09-9:30 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[YOUTUBE] 3:19 PM KST Current MV views of the K-POP groups we’re competing with on Music Shows A***A - 26M W****R - 11M #ENHYPEN  - 10.5M views 🚨🚨🚨 W**N - 6.8M V***Z - 1M ENGENEs PLEASE KEEP ON STREAMING #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1
INFO | 220709 ENHYPEN will be on NAVER NOW at 8 PM KST 🔗 now.naver.com/s/now.6331 #ENHYPEN  #MANIFESTO_DAY1  #FuturePerfect  @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
#FuturePerfect by #ENHYPEN  Debut at #27 (NEW) in GLOBAL Kpop Shazam @ENHYPEN_members