This news said that P'Zee has become a handsome young CEO and launched ZeeFruit dried fruit with mango and durian flavors P'Zee also tweeted hope that fans will support him This morning, the Twitter trend has exceeded the number one🎉 #ผลไม้อบกรอบZeeFruit #ZeePruk…
[OSAKA FAN MEETING] Wedding Scene 💒 🔗… Love Is Love - ZeeNuNew MaxNat TutorYim 🔗… Kimi Ga Kureta Mono(Secret Base) - NuNew 🔗… It’s You - ZeeNuNew 🔗… Matsuri(FUJII KAZE ) -……
🐺:love who 🐱:😳 🐺:love(rak) tuk khun(everyone ) I alone 🐱:p’aof 🐺:love p’aof so much too but Nunew~ 🐱:narak(cute) too 🐱:love Hia 🐺:I know you love Behind CutiePie #เบื้องหลังเบื้องใจนิ่งเฮียEP5 #ZeeNuNew #ชนชน #ซีนุนิว
IG reel : voguethailand *wedding ring can choose at here nuo💍🤭 ZeeNuNew Bvlgari #BvlgariXZeeNuNew #ZeeNuNew
Happy Valentine Day 💖 continue to love each other, continue to support each other, and will always be moved by each other naja❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #HappyVdayZeeNuNew #ZeeNuNew
🗓️14.03.2023 IGs:new_cwr 💬gonna save this(game) for later the queue is full🥲 #CutiePieJapanD1 #ZeeNuNew
//P’Zee comment nu ig post 🐺naughtyyyyyy #ZeeNuNew #ชนชน
🗓️16.04.2023 IGs:zeepruk Home sweet home🏠🥰 #ZeeNuNew
//When asked what should do if the microphone is broken nu say have phi will help him😆all student is answer P’Zee nu is feel shy and say yes🤭 #ZeeNuNew #NuNew #ชนชส
🐱: Hia calls me NuNna lately 🐺:yes I also don know why I call NuNna😆 🐱:yess is nunew become nunna😂 #ซีนุนิวชวนกินบอนชอน #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน
🐺 doesn't Nu like biting people very much, biting people all day like a zombie 🐱 If it's a zombie, it will bite every day, all day Full Interview 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 🔗 #ZeeNuNew
ZeeNuNew will have a special movie on next year👏😍🔥 🐺 zeepruk has always had a dream to shoot a movie and I am very happy and still with Nu🥰 🐱I am very happy but this project is still can’t say anything *I am so excited now😍 #DMDLINEUP2023 #ชนชน #ZeeNuNew
p’zee always speaks to Nu in a gentle tone🤭 #HappyMoment3ZeeNunew #ZeeNuNew
We will always support NaNine ❤️❤️❤️ #MissionFanEP2 #NuNew
In case fans fans don’t know the character and the actor name nakha☺️ Zee Pruk - พระเพลิง สิทธิกรกัลป์ (พี่เพลิง) - Phraphloeng Sittikornkanal (Phi Phloeng) NuNew - แสงรวี แรมสว่าง (น้องรวี) - Saengrawee Ramsawang (Nong Rawee) น้ำมนต์ (Nammon) - Kraipop ไกรภพ น้ำปิง(Namping)……