🐱I feel that sometimes there is negative energy, and it doesn’t feel good try to stay away from those (negative energy) and some things feel like venting I will always try to talk to people and I will discuss/tell with Hia #ZeeNuNew
👧what is the most cute 🐱Nu krub 🐺which Nu 🐱this Nu *own 👧Nu NuNew 🐺Nu NuNew emmmm 👧are you satisfied with this answer? *ask P’Zee 🐺 *😄 #ZeeNunewMySweetHeart #ZeeNuNew
P’Zee is change the clothes too😍😍OP is keep say handsome P’Zee is feel shy already 😆 #PalmAngelsEMQxZeePruk #ZeePruk
ready for the fan sign 😍 ทั้งสี่คนหล่อเกินไป😍 ZeeNuNew NetJames PARTY #THEFACESHOPXMASPARTY #ZeeNuNew
อยากฟังหนูร้องเพลงลูกทุ่งในคอนเสิร์ต☺️ #รักคุณยิ่งกว่าใครByNuNew #นิ่งเฮีย2You #ZeeNuNew
can watch the live streaming here 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 🔗 fb.watch/hB7yqTwE1E/?mi… ZeeNuNew YUNIVERSE #YuniverseAwards2022 #ZeeNuNew
🗓️19.05.2023 updated IG:zeepruk 💭if (Ter) want to go beach(talay) I’m ready #ZeeNuNew #ZeePruk
🐱we already shooting the 2023 domundi calendar theme is in “talay” (beach) *have spoil a picture for the calendar too😍😍 #ZeeNunewinWeibo #ZeeNuNew
IGs:cutiepieseriesofficial Yes…I heard Nu voice ☺️ 🐱is Kirin krub…even the series is already finish… #ZeeNuNew #CutieLoveFanConcert
OMG I finally can listen song true love in both version 😍😍 DMD SATHU #DMDCharityDay #ZeeNuNew #ชนชน #NuNew
🗓️12.02.2023 IGs:new_cwr 💬fly awayyyy😜 #TFSSunkissedDatexZeeNuNew #ZeeNuNew
นับว่าโชคดีมากที่ได้พบกันท่ามกลางฝูงคนมากมาย❤️ #SundayMorningXZeePruk #ZeePruk #ZeeNuNew
OMG Nu is so cute he told fans the rules of the game in Chinese throughout the whole process after Nu finished speaking he would ask fans if he was ok ma😄 #BabyBrightxZeeNuNew #ZeeNuNew
//P’Zee comment nu ig post 🐱love is love 🐺a joo a joo is love #ZeeNuNew
IGs:suoleang so P’Zee is go give birthday surprise to P’aof after he finish work he is really a warm boy☺️🥰 #ZeeNuNew
this is so cute I must post it🤏🏻🍼🥺when Nu say “tuk khun krub” fans is answer “kha” Nu reaction is so cuteeeee😗 DMD SATHU #DMDCharityDay #ZeeNuNew #NuNew #ชนชน
🐱oppa 🐺miss you (bo-go-sib-da) *they are too shy when after speak the words #ZeeNuNew
Q:compare yourself as one of the symbols in Christmas what do you think you are and why 🐺look at here (food) 🐱food lorh M:is a gift…is gift by Hia 🐱is not gift krub is Santa…is a person who gives gifts to everyone #XMASDMDPARTYxGrabFood #ZeeNuNew