🐺I know that love is not enough I don’t know what to do too all i know is that Nu Kuea and I want to have each other in lives CutiePie 2 is Coming #ตัวอย่างนิ่งเฮีย2you #นิ่งเฮียseries #CutiePieSeries #ZeeNuNew
Tiktok:NuNew On dec 29th thai time 8pm ZeeNuNew will have douyin live at China version Tiktok😍 #ชนชน #ZeeNuNew
//about the new year present (for self) 🐺have 🐱have…but need to think what should I want to buy 🗣️already think in the mind 🐱I think is a house 🐱Hia already have everything + #TrueInsiderxCutiePie #ZeeNuNew
🐺when nu birthday have go to eat dinner 🐱that day is my birthday Hia also go together with my ba ma and P’aof too 🗣️is person (parent) like 🐱oui…say always 🐺ba ma nu now already become ba ma Hia #TrueInsiderxCutiePie #ZeeNuNew
P’Eric praised Nu once again, it’s really great 🥺😍 #ZeeNuNew #NuNew #NanaNu
//P’Zee is reply nu ig comment 🐱Merry Christmas!!❤️ 🐺nonnn❤️(sleep) #ชนชน #ZeeNuNew
//P’Zee comment nu ig post 🐺naughtyyyyyy #ZeeNuNew #ชนชน
Q:compare yourself as one of the symbols in Christmas what do you think you are and why 🐺look at here (food) 🐱food lorh M:is a gift…is gift by Hia 🐱is not gift krub is Santa…is a person who gives gifts to everyone #XMASDMDPARTYxGrabFood #ZeeNuNew
55555 this is my first time saw P’Zee stop Nu to eat again😝 🐺already finish…nu already finish eating 🐱I want to eat☹️ *yes…they eat the same one🙊 #XMASDMDPARTYxGrabFood #ZeeNuNew
Nu said he slept well last night P’Zee said he knew because he saw ba tweet🤣 #XMASDMDPARTYxGrabFood #ZeeNuNew
OMG…P’Zee is so sweet when nu order the egg tart he tell nu “send few box for ba ma nu”🥰🫶🏻 #XMASDMDPARTYxGrabFood #ZeeNuNew
🐺still handsome M:yes…really 🐺is it right…nu…Nu praises Hia handsome 🐱handsome x2 #XMASDMDPARTYxGrabFood #ZeeNuNew
N: did you meet P'Zee at that time 🐱already meet M: did you think P’Zee was handsome when you saw him? 🐱handsome krub M:P’max more handsome? *Nu is thinking few second 😂 #XMASDMDPARTYxGrabFood #ZeeNuNew
I already can’t wait the calendar and photobook🤭 #ชนชน #ZeeNuNew #dmdpartner2023
Tiktok:眈悦味食 ZeeNuNew is wishing merry Christmas 🥰🎄🎁 #ชนชน #ZeeNuNew
🐺ao…why we are separate sofas Net: or do you two want to sit together 🐺 It doesn't matter x2 * Nu pushed the sofa ZeeNuNew NetJames PARTY #THEFACESHOPXMASPARTY #ZeeNuNew
🗣️P’Zee always like to say rak Nong how you feel 🐺how the feel…is it wrong 🗣️no…is cute 🐺just follow the feel…then say what you what 🐱hehe…krub + ZeeNuNew NetJames PARTY #THEFACESHOPXMASPARTY #ZeeNuNew