
the heart lake must be crowded with hkvh today😂❤️
caught hkvh kissing on a rainy night
I need every living being on earth to listen to the adorable way kvh’s JPN VA says “thanks for letting me know all this”😭😭😭💯💯💯and the way hthm says “one more time,” so scrumptiously smug you just know he loves teasing kvh
remember the aranara named arashakun who wrote about befriending a nara who taught him how to write? kvh’s dad taught an aranara how to write when he was a child, & kvh built palace of alcazarzaray right under arashakun’s little house. The withering zone that demolished palace of
hthm to others: there’s no need to thank me. I’ve never cared to keep track of personal favors hthm to kvh: they say that earnest thx should be given thrice. say it one more time i guess “thank you” from kvh just rings sweeter in his ears or smth…...🤨 we know what u are alhthm
not even leftovers, he specifically ordered for hthm a few extra dishes to bring home…😭😭 look me in the eye & tell me this isn't love
⚠️⚠️reminder for fellow hkvh enjoyers: if you completed “the contestant” subquest before “when the curtain close,” make 100% sure to select the second option here, DO NOT tell kvh the results of the investigation or you’ll miss out on the best hkvh scene of this entire event x)
in case anyone missed this cute easter egg of kvh being bullied by desert fox😂😭☺️ sorry I don’t have EN voiceover, he’s saying “a desert fox? why would it be here? wow stop biting my clothes! hey!”
hthm’s expression for this “……” line after hearing kvh encountered danger in the desert is so beyond my expectations…the way his eyes widened, pupils shaking while unfolding his arms…his mix of emotions, concern disbelief even anger, is captured so subtly yet so pronounced
🌱🪶 #haikaveh #アルカヴェ their home modern AU. hthm spoiling kvh for 5 pages. that’s the plot ⚠️🔞NSFW poipiku.com/4415426/860992… p1-5 in English, please read right to left p6-10 日本語の翻訳です
🌱🪶#haikaveh #アルカヴェ his preference / かわいくない男 ⚠️🔞NSFW poipiku.com/4415426/840935… p1-4 in English, please read right to left p5-8日本語の翻訳です
i'm revived rejuvenated invigorated by the start of kv's drip mkting!☺️ will finish next week
Kvh’s constellation bird of paradise can be either a flower or, well, a bird. I like the idea of hkvh being matching birds, but I also love that the flower stands for faithfulness & staying true to only one person your entire life
Hthm’s sexuality is kvh. If a conventional label has to be placed, he’s gay if kvh is a man; he’s straight if kvh were to be a woman; he’s both/neither if kvh is non-binary. I’ve got a better label, he’s kavehsexual
same carpet as the one in his study. he's celebrating his birthday at home & we all know who opened the door🥹😭🙏🎂
🌱🪶 #haikaveh #アルカヴェ 🐺hthm x 🐰kvh ⚠️🔞 NSFW poipiku.com/4415426/826443… p1-4 in English, please read right to left p5-8 日本語の翻訳です
I deleted the EN voiceover pack long ago so idk how it sounds, but that shouldn’t matter. How a person treats another person shouldn’t be judged solely based on what they say but also on how they act. Some of my thoughts:
#haikaveh #アルカヴェ perfect mismatch part 2 Modern AU 🌱🪶 10 parts in total ⚠️🔞NSFW poipiku.com/4415426/815916… p1-5 in English, please read right to left p6-10日本語の翻訳です
#haikaveh #アルカヴェ perfect mismatch part 1 Modern AU 🌱🪶 10 parts in total. There will be nsfw scenes starting from part 2, so I'm tagging the entire series🔞 please read right to left 日本語の翻訳はリプ欄を見てください
🌱🪶 #haikaveh #アルカヴェ his priority ⚠️🔞 NSFW poipiku.com/4415426/793301… p1-4 in English, please read right to left p5-8 日本語の翻訳です
#haikaveh #アルカヴェ i get u haitham, it’s hard to kick out someone so beautiful please read right to left 日本語バージョンはリプライを見てください
#xingyun #行重 how to keep an open secret
I'm a closeted xy shipper and I panicked when my friend asked me this. I think I handled the situation pretty well, not awkward at all. 😧👽🤡