
Bui:We need to have a life of our own and not let that role control our lives.
🖤🐈‍⬛Yours #BibleWichapas
Q:What is the bravest thing you have ever done? BB:This play, KPTS, become an actor, be a performer. Performing on stage, I didn't think I would do this. Bui:World Tour. I never thought I could be an actor and performer. #BibleBuild #ไบเบิ้ลบิว
🥲..oh babe…crying Bui:I’m standing where GD was . I’ve been to the drop-off spot outside before . I’ve ever waited there to send him off. I screamed so loudly at that time .Now I’ll stand on this stage like him.
Bb:not whispering, I said at that time,Build, it was too much, a lot of people, very unexpected, feel particularly moved. Bui:I feel the same as Bible, at first we are holding back, but after seeing, so many people, ah, really can not help it, to thank every fan for us so much
Build:Speaking of basil leaves, I am very angry! Seriously! True basil leaves, by this day and age, go well with many ingredients. But what I don't understand is that someone actually pair it with cowpeas and carrots!Then it's not authentic basil leaves!
BB:Three things to bring to camp, a knife, an axe, and a fire starter.What about u? Bui:For me, with these tools of yours can survive it. Then I'll probably take the generator.And instant noodles, you have no food. BB:Those tools I have can go foraging!
Weibo update
Bible was laughing next to Build 🤣🤣🤣 Bible:So you are... Build:Recommended Authentic Basil Leaf!Wanted to cook for fans and let everyone know what authentic fried basil leaves look like! Bible:ok ok(Nods)
🖤💙 ©️ sawuo(Loading u's staff) #BibleBuild
BB:Because this is who I am, so I want to try to be the best (Probably talking about vegas) I once had a senior said to me you have to believe that you can fans:I love u bb:I love u too!!!
#BibleBuild 😭😭😭UN!!My Love
Q4: What do you think is the same and different between each other and Vegas/Pete? Bib:I think the Build is very similar to Pete's character at the beginning. But as the episodes are filmed and we build and shape up the character, it becomes clear that Pete is Build.
Bui:Mino is a very quiet cat, since having him, my cat, he does not eat meat, only vegetables. Bib:Ahh??! Bui:It's true. Like a cat in discipline. Bib:Not even fish snacks? Bui:No. Bib:Cat treats also do not eat? Bui:No. Feel this cat is a strange cat.
royal highness Good at scheming #bsumone #BibleWichapas #bsumbody @biblesumett
Who is he 😭 don't lie to me! YOURS' art coordinator Weibo:He said, in the future, two people together, to make curry rice for him #BibleBuild #ไบเบิ้ลบิว
BB:We talked about camping plans, but there are no concrete plans yet, so let's wait until the World Tour is over.
Q:On the stage of the world tour, are there any whispers that you still remember from him to you?(Anything you wanted to tell each other at the time but were too late to do so) BB:I remember, when we boarded the stage, fans held up support signs, orange and white
Build is mad at Bible for eating basil leaves with cowpeas and carrots 555🤣🤣🤣
#BibleBuild Q:If you work together again, what kind of script and role would you two like to play? Bible:I want to shoot detective drama. If it is a drama film, I would most like to shoot the kind of black humor. I want to play police or detective.
555 with Jisoo, baby👍😎 Led Car is cool ANNYEONG BIBLEBUILD #KPWorldTourSeoul #BibleWichapas #BuildJakapan @biblesumett @Buildbuilddd