
🔮 My Man! A quick doodle~They are so cute🥹🥹🥹 Fuu Fuu challenge 6/30 #Legartus #Artchivist #PsyBorg
🐑:Shall we dance? #FulgurOvid #FulGallery #psyborg
FuuChan🐑"☺️" LeChan🐺"……😶" Fuu Fuu challenge 8/30 #Legartus #Artchivist
I miss u Fuu Fuu Chan🥹 Hope u have a great holiday❤️ BTW ACGHK was amazing🥹🥹 #Artchivist #Legartus
🐺“Fuck…” #Artchivist #Legartus
FuuChan🐑"☝🏻😆" LeChan🐺"🙄…" Yep is actually a picnic storyline🍴 Fuu Fuu challenge 9/10 #Artchivist #Legartus
Fuu challenge 28/30 #Artchivist #Legartus
I am so slow🥲 #Legartus #Artchivist
Inelegant way of eating 🍽️ #Artchivist #Legartus
Just playing around with colours❤️ I have a terrible colour sense🥹 BTW new taggggg🎉🎉 #Artchivist #Legartus
New Practice Challenge 1/30 *Practice challenge comes with image reference #Legartus #Artchivist
#Legatus #Artchivist I don’t know what I am drawing 🤣
👹🐑 I am sorry🥹 #fukuma #Artchivist #Cybussy
Quick doodle❤️ Fuu challenge 30/30 I completed the challenge🥹🥹🥹 #Artchivist #Legartus
#Artchivist #Legartus Trying out new things 😀 But somethings is weird🥲, need more practicing💪🏻
👟⚰️ (Luxiem 2/5) #YaminoArt
I loooove long hair🥹🙏 Fuu challenge 29/30 #Artchivist #Legartus
不良⚡️🐑 不知道為什麼感覺FuChan好適合吹泡泡糖🥹🥹 Fuu Fuu challenge 13/30 #Legartus #Artchivist