The only thing scarier than a FNAF stream is Reimu streaming without her hat on
i am actually so cursed. I have never wanted to lose so badly in my life. #Wrestlesanji2023
✨酔いどれ知らず ver. Enna Alouette ✨ Thank you so much for coming to my premiere !! And thank you Kanaria-san for letting me sing your song !! I really appreciate everyone's support...thank you !!! 😭🙏💕 Full video:
Me: I’m gonna cancel all my streams bc internet won’t work Internet: everything is ok now 👁👄👁…
i lvoe elroa pendira so much it heits
istg I texted everyone, dmed 3 of our group chats, called everyone AND THE ONLY SANE PERSON WHO OWNS A PHONE & PICKS UP IS ROSEMI Rosemi is forever my kami oshi
Finally...I'm gonna touch some grass. FREE VITAMIN D !! ☀️
Hi Enna Alouette, Are you done your collab with Reimu yet? I think about this time it should've probably ended. Remember you have to buy body soap. You've been using shampoo the past 3 days on your body, it's time to remember to buy soap bitch.
Millie has been singing in the bathroom for about half an hour and Elira and I still haven’t brushed our teeth 😂
forever alone mysta
炙りえんがわ食べたよー! #EnnaVacation
out of context dm
No more friends in 2023.
hehehe look at my cute twitter header 😋
I want to kindly remind everyone it’s a very good habit to over mention the people who help bring the entire production to life. Producers, artists, video editors etc… without them the “spotlight” would be dim. Always try to put their names where ppl can see easily !! 🙏✨
WE DID IT EVERYONE !! We fully learned the lyrics & melody to Virtual to Live, thank you so much for helping me !! Thank you to that one person who told me to talk without making a sound...that helped my voice a lot. 😳💕 I'm gonna go pack now & I'll see you guys soon !!!!!!!!!!!
What in actual fuck Yugo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm going back to bed.
I had a dream about Maria & I being roommates but our landlord required us to make eggs for them everyday. One day we messed up on the egg & we got evicted… 🍳 I can’t quite remember the rest LOL
✨ Waiting on my phone 𝅘𝅥𝅮 (Lo-fi BGM) ✨ Ring ring~ Aloupeeps !! How are you guys doing? That's great to hear!! Yes, this is a scheduled tweet🤪 credits: composition & lyrics. @.kizumetto illustration. @.EDICH_ PV&mix&vocals. Enna Alouette 📱 Link:
@shu_yamino shu yameow 👀
Putting all my leftovers in one roll 🤤✨ #Boennappetit
Good morning... I had a dream that I won Wrestlesanji. Oh yeah that wasn't a dream 🤓 ✨