Aloupeeps, don't force me to third wheel on your dates. 🤡♥️…
@uki_violeta bc you’re meant for something greater
Please @RenZott0 you've always loved helping people. Please help me. Please help me lose. I will go to church and pray in your name if you win.
I swear the only thing keeping me alive is pure spite lol
ok this is why I don't go on social media a lot…
Great start to the morning !! 😎 - pooped - did my hair - put on fresh socks - harassed fuu-chan
其实……我不太喜欢吃棉花糖。 但我确实觉得这听起来很可爱 🤣💕哈哈哈哈哈哈
😭 I hate birds...they're so ughaosidoaij
行ってきまーす またね !! ✨ I’m going now, see you !! 💕 我去了, bye bye !! ❤️
bro I cleaned the entire home and the internet is still not back I feel like a 15yr old angsty kid
Rosemi & I getting slandered for our smol booba— we will get our revenge 💀
Good morning ✨ I have so much work to do… 💅💇‍♀️🌟💫👛💋💄
i wanna crawl under her boobs #ScarleLive #ILUNA
I’m so proud of my kouhais 🥺💕
Hello !! ✨ This month I'm making my birthday hashtag in advance so that I could get a slight head start on putting together things for the b-day stream. Feel free to tag #EnnDay2023 if you'd like to submit anything !! 😳👉👈 Note: It's EnnDay bc END DAY. I want to end the day.
Goes home after running adult errands Opens Millie's ASMR Closes Millie's ASMR
Rosemi and Nina are so good at French wtf 😂
One of the Otakuthon staff just said to us “we didn’t expect you guys to have anyone at the autograph panel tbh” HAHAHAHAHAHA 🤭 This guy has been super helpful for us though, so I’m just teasing him !!
Y'all I kid you not, I coughed so hard & so much during my vacation that I can do a 1minute & 30sec plank now. I could barely do 30secs before.....BEING SICK MADE ME MORE FIT 🤣