Are you the licking ice cream or biting ice cream type? I'm biting type
400k+ PHANTOMOS!!!! 🥺🤍 I love every single one of you. Thank you so much!!!! ✨
I love KFC
Vampires >>>>
Im not possessive ...... LMAO
Bro I swear I'll go see a ghost doctor after this trip I've been gathering new bruises on my legs every single day 😭 sometimes I don't even know how I got them and sometimes it was because of the softest and stupidest bump..... Reimama said bad circulation... DED CIRCULATION
Watch me do the expectedly 3D debut on national back day
happy national boob day now say Thank You or I'll eat your soul in the most painful way tehe pero 🤍
I touched so much grass today holy damn 💀
Reimumu is a crybaby Handle with care and love
I didn't get pancakes but KARAOKE WAS GREAT I WILL get pancakes today Its 6am oyasumimiiii MUAW
@EnnaAlouette I love you so so much you're legimitely one of the reasons Im still here
Can I join in the fake off collab voice tweets
I hate Niji UK so much (my cheeks are hurting from smiling too much this morning)
@PomuRainpuff @MillieParfait thank you for speaking up
That dance was so cute....!! LMAO The mamenekos in the baaaack tooo!! #レオス3D
Nicknames that I've seen you using and put a smile on my face Little lychee head (this one made me laugh) baobei mumu Or honestly you can just call me love, queen, wife Be gay be free
Not the uber dude asking me where I came from and what languages I spoke then immediately blasting Señorita when I said I spoke spanish AHAHAHAH😭😭😭😭
If you guys are missing me trust me Im missing you THREE TIMES MORE
Eveland I promise I will protect you…
@Vox_Akuma Delete this
lmao papi