🐱 Miyawaki Sakura Global 🌸(@MSakura_Global)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

[📸] 230308 AROUND8 Instagram Sakura filmed at AROUND8 café last week for <Fearless Kkura>! 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cpg1qMXvdx8/… #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #LE_SSERAFIM #르세라핌
[📈] The episode of 'Just Come Out' with Sakura is trending #1 on Naver NOW's Weekly Trending Shows TOP 10 (Original)! It was also #1 yesterday. Watch the full episode (unsubbed) here: 🔗 navernow.onelink.me/o5cK/cavrxn0f #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM @le_sserafim
[📺] 221210 Fearless Kkura YouTube Shorts "(Episode 3 Behind) SAKURA x BAMBAM ANTIFRAGILE Challenge" 🔗 youtu.be/5UfrW0qpU-M #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #뱀뱀 #BamBam #갓세븐 #GOT7 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM @le_sserafim
[📸] 230319 Fearless Kkura Instagram "🌸🎂 0319 Kkura's Birthday 🎂🌸 [...]" 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cp9yU2guq4c/… #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[📢] Let's send messages to Sakura! GET WELL SOON SAKURA #GetWellSoonSakura #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[📝 TRANS] 2022.12 allure korea Interview - #SAKURA "What I hate most is having regret. Even if you fail you can get something from [trying] but if you don't try it ends there. I always have the mindset "Even if I fail, just try first." #사쿠라 #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[🎥] 230203 BamBam Home YouTube Episode 3 of <BamBam Home> with Sakura is out! 🍻 🔗 youtu.be/4M4WABMTJo8 #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM #뱀뱀 #BAMBAM #갓세븐 #GOT7
[📢] Sakura has recovered from COVID-19 and her quarantine has ended. 🔗 weverse.io/lesserafim/not… WE MISSED YOU SAKURA #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[📢] <Fearless Kkura> Hashtag Party: START! ⏰ NOW until 18:30 KST Use 👇 #FearlessKkura_OutNow #꾸라는_겁도없꾸라_많관부 ⚠️ No spam, one of each HT per tweet, add words before/after HT ⚠️ Use account with >10 followers #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[📸] 221214 Lee Tae Young Instagram "A distinguished guest came to our office 😁 The whole team had a fun day full of hard work with the very very bright, pretty & well-mannered Sakura~" 🔗 instagram.com/p/CmIuUPFrnlt/… #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[📸] 230111 Dplus KIA YouTube Community Post "Sakura's entry to Dplus' YouTube! 🎉 We'll upload the location sketch of <Fearless Kkura> at 6PM today!" 🔗 youtube.com/channel/UCepHe… #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM #데프트 #Deft
[📺] 221117 Fearless Kkura YouTube "Is it possible to eat spicy noodles while wearing a white tee?? Kkura can do these type of fearless tasks✨ | [Fearless Kkura] Teaser" 🔗 youtu.be/ZizUAEr7xq8 #사쿠라 #SAKURA #ックラ #겁도없꾸라 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM @le_sserafim
[📢] <Fearless Kkura> Hashtag Party Notice 🗓️ 23 November ⏰ 17:30~18:30 KST #️⃣.FearlessKkura_OutNow #️⃣.꾸라는_겁도없꾸라_많관부 ⚠️ DO NOT USE HT BEFORE START TIME ⚠️ No spam, one of each HT per tweet ⚠️ See image for more info #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[📺 TRANS] 221110 Yuki Kashiwagi YouTube - Mention of #SAKURA "I mostly reference Sakura's hairstyle. Our hair length happens to be the same. There are many Korean idols with long hair. Their hairstyles are all cute." (cont.) #사쿠라 #宮脇咲良
[📝] 230209 Weverse Post - KAZUHA "Maknae who put her phone on the eldest unnie who is sleeping to take selfies 🫶 looool" 🔗 weverse.io/lesserafim/art… #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM #KAZUHA #카즈하 #홍은채 #HONGEUNCHAE
[📺] 221201 Fearless Kkura Instagram Reel "Thanks to the love sent by Kkura Friends worldwide, <Fearless Kkura> has achieved 100,000 subscribes within 'a week'! 💓 (+ first video 1M views)" 🔗 instagram.com/reel/ClnkhcdJK… #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[📝 TRANS] 221123 Weverse Post - #SAKURA "If the old me sees the current me, I think she'll be surprised, of course I'm still lacking but I'm amazed at how I'm gradually liking myself, so I'm a bit pleased hehe" #사쿠라 #ックラ #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM @le_sserafim
[🎥] 220127 BamBam Home YouTube Sakura will be appearing on the next episode of BamBam Home! 🗓 Friday, Feb 3 ⏰️ 19:00 KST 🔗 youtube.com/@bamhome You can check the preview below! #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM
[📢] <Fearless Kkura> Tagline & Hashtag Event: START! Please tweet with 👇 BAMBAM IN FEARLESS KKURA #FearlessKkura_BamBam ⚠️ No spam, one of each per tweet #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #뱀뱀 #BAMBAM #LE_SSERAFIM #르세라핌
[📢] Tagline & Hashtag Event Party Notice for <Tonight, under the Cherry Blossom Tree> (Collab with @LSRFM_GLOBAL 🤗) 🗓️ Wed, 1 Feb ⏰ 23:30 KST 🚨 See image for tagline & hashtag ⚠️ Do not start before event time #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #LE_SSERAFIM #르세라핌
[📰 TRANS] DAZED KOREA July 2022 #SAKURA Interview "[..] bc there are fans who tell me I'm doing well, compliment me & shower me with love, who tell me seeing me gives them strength even when their life's difficult, I'm living happily" #사쿠라 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM @le_sserafim
[📸] 230509 Fearless Kkura YouTube Community Post "🎇 Episode 24 Preview Stills Reveal 🎇 Kkura and Sungbin meet again! Physical (X) Animal (O) 100 Challenge💪🐅🐼 [..]" 🔗 youtube.com/channel/UCpmfh… #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #르세라핌 #LE_SSERAFIM #겁도없꾸라 #윤성빈
[📢] Tagline & Hashtag Event Party Notice for <Fearless Kkura> EP 10 (Collab with @yenaviral 🤗) 🗓️ Wed, 25 January ⏰ 17:30 KST 🚨 See image for tagline & hashtag ⚠️ Do not start before event time #사쿠라 #SAKURA #宮脇咲良 #겁도없꾸라 #LE_SSERAFIM #르세라핌 #최예나 #YENA