HSD Love On Tour(@hsdlot)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Harry running off stage at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 13 (via @satellitesushi)
"[If you have a sign] we ask that you put it up in the air. It also is the time of the show where we find out who is wearing deodorant, who is not wearing deodorant! Put those armpits up!" (via @slgnothestyIes)
"Just let me adore you" "Oh okay!" (via @palstineseaview)
Harry performing Late Night Talking at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 13 (via @kennedystrash)
Harry performing Late Night Talking at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 13 (via @glambygab)
Harry messing up the Daylight lyrics at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 13 (via @kennedystrash)
Harry performing Music For A Sushi Restaurant at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 13 (via @adoranisa)
“Feeling good in my skin…” 🕺
Harry on stage at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 13 📸 @brookephotoedit
Harry on stage at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 13 📸 @brookephotoedit
Harry on stage at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 14 (via @goldensunrxse)
Harry on stage at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 13 (via @satellitesushi)
“It’s my own se-[gets hit in the goods] oh…that’s unfortunate. [shakes himself off] Okay shake it off. [exaggerated high pitched voice] Anyway for the rest of the show.”
"Just let me adore you" "Oh, okay, then!" 😄 (via @slgnothestyIes)
“I see lots of kissy kissy over there, you two. Yes you two! This is a family show!…Or is it?” - Harry talking to the crowd at #LoveOnTourChicago
"You two! Behave your- yep you two there, yep! This is a family show! [long pause] Or is it?" (via @darknessdeparts)
“You two look very happy. Who are you with tonight? Your Daughter? She just came back. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? She went to buy a t-shirt…Oh. Okay thank you 😁. A very happy family having a nice time over there.” - Harry speaking to the couple he saw canoodling at #LoveOnTourChicago
Harry performing Satellite at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 14 (via @popatthecinema)
“You skipped court for this? Jeeesus. It wasn’t like jury duty where the public needed you? I feel like we all have so many questions. What’s your name? Susanna? Soo-sanna? Susanna. And you’re the mum? […] Proudly beaming up like ‘that’s my girl!’ - #LoveOnTourChicago
Harry on stage at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 14 (via @whenyouknow28)
“I’m not really sure what to say other than if there’s any court officials she’s here! She’s down here! If there’s anyone who works at the court house she’s there! ‘Don’t snitch’ That’s true, snitches end up in ditches. I don’t condone it, it’s a criminal offence apparently!”
“It’s your birthday today! Any advice question mark? Uh…any advice? What’s your name? Kylie. Do we have any advice for Kylie? No public nudity, good advice ‘Dont date men’ There’s a couple of men in the audience who feel hard done by ‘What have I ever done?’ - #LoveOnTourChicago
“What’s your name? Another Taylor! Camilla and Taylor. Who’s this sign for? The both of you. You just changed the sign? You just met just now! What a beautiful thing. ‘Can you please help us come out’ Chicago, we’ve got a 2 for 1! Are you ready? Droll roll please Sarah Jones!”
Harry dancing before Late Night Talking at United Center in Chicago, IL - October 14 (via @popatthecinema)
“You’re celebrating your anniversary […] Marisa and Alex! ‘We’re renewing our vows’ What did he say about you? Was it nice? He fell in love with you at a One Direction concert! Which EXACT CONCERT was it I need to know!” - Harry at #LoveOnTourChicago