
💙💭 220419 [9:32pm KST] “y/n, how was today!!”
💙💭 211119 [5:00pm KST] “It’s tied..” “Who do you think it is”
⭐️💭 221114 [6:25pm KST] “Oh! But now that I think of it, isn’t it very cold during exam day?! I think I wore long padding at that time!!” “But it’s really a relief that it’s not that cold this year!” “That’s rightㅠㅠㅜ This is the weather people live in ㅠㅠㅠ”
⭐️💭 220930 [8:25am KST] “Have y/n woken up!…” “I woke up early, went to the shop, done preparing first so I peeled a few eggs to eat, drank soy milk and is in the car now” “You’re preparing to go work?!?!” “Since today is Friday… Be strong today ..!!!”
⭐️💭 220126 [7:48pm KST] “The weather is good but if the fine dust is bad, I can’t go out for a walk ㅜㅜ” “What did you do today???” “ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ No, why are you asking me if I am a dog, whats that” “No that walk” “So if I say go on a walk, you felt like that”
💙💭 220408 [2:45pm KST] “Aquarium???????? What should I do there?” “Am I going in instead of the mermaid unnie” “But no, I’m right here though”
⭐️💭 230212 [12:54pm KST] “So it would be right to say that I ate pork neck pasta right..?ㅎ” “I’m going on a diet from today onwards!” “Rather than dieting …” “But eating healthy..?” “Do you wanna do an eating healthy project together with me?” “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”
💙💭 220804 [1:53am KST] “It’s already 2am…!! I didn’t know….!!!! I need to sleep” “Daebak, at the last one for the korean (version), Jimin-ie let out a *ggo-reu-reuk* sound” “Oh” “Oh..” “We’re all at dawn”
⭐️💭 221029 [6:38pm KST] “It’s finally Halloween tomorrow…” “dugeun-dugu-dugeun”
⭐️💭 220317 [3:45am KST] “Look at the number, the number….!!” “It’s 345!” “😊”
💙💭 220904 [11:51pm KST] “But I sometimes drink chocomilk, and it’s nice” “Oh oh, a lot of people are starting to reject me” “Whyy, respect my preference” “I don’t say what’s wrong to the people who eat choco flavoured foooddddd”
💙💭 221112 [11:39am KST] “The sunlight is nice too.. let’s bring a book and go to the cafe now”
⭐️💭 211221 [9:52pm KST] “The snows had all said byebye” “Instead, the weather has gotten really warm!!!” “But the fine dust is really bad...” “But still, I like it because it became less colder☺️” “Wow, theres 4 days left till Christmas!!!!!” “I really like Christmasㅜ”
⭐️💭 220909 [9:14pm KST] “Everyone chew your songpyeons well, you can’t get indigestion, alright!!!”
💙💭 211118 [5:53am KST]
💙💭 220118 [5:02pm KST] “eugh,eugh, its too cold, so cold” “y/n, did you dress warmly ?” “I took pictures with the sun”
⭐️💭 230325 [4:02pm KST/ 2:02pm ICT] “But the weather is hot” “But it kinda made me think of the heat when I was still a student during summer vacation, it feels good☺️”
💙💭 220507 [5:35pm KST] “Have you eatennnnnnnnn?”
⭐️💭 230115 [12:14am KST] “Ah, Got the Beat teaser is released” “I don’t even know that and was just talking about real friends story” “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ” “Everyone is so pretty…” “Screammmm it’s the best!!!!!!!!”
💙💭 211225 [10:12pm KST] “🐻 (got/god) Seulgi unnie 🐿 (got/god) Wendy unnie, it’s nice meeting you often these daysssss~!~!~! 💥♥️💥” “Are you curious? If you’re curious, give me 500won”
💙💭 221117 [7:48pm KST] “Ha, live broadcast is hard” “Was it fun~?”
💙💭 221112 [10:48am KST] “….! Today’s weather is totally my style” “I should immediately go take a walk”
💙💭 220530 [12:45am KST] “It was too noisy in the back so I disabled the sound” “You’re curious right” -sticker “Elelellelelellelele”
💙💭 221231 [1:08am KST] “What's this, really, making me touched, where/how did you make this up.......y/n...... sly fox”
💙💭 220116 [3:46pm KST] “It feels like they didn’t give pictures from this day”