hendery said they are preparing for some activities in china already, they are just waiting for the quarantine to end then they can begin
hendery said it was really funny filming wayv dorm love choices, they said they have a lot of ng takes cause they keep laughing when filming. he asked who got him in the end, he said he havent watched the video yet. yangyang had one of the most retakes whenever he said wang meili
phantom stage!!
221128 wayv weibo live ; translation thread (chn-eng) ‘hello, we are wayv!’
kun said the schedule is out and from tomorrow onwards, they will be releasing the teasers at 9pm cst. xiaojun read out the schedule. ten said he keep thinking diamonds only is diamonds love.
wayv clapped when they said theres 2 track video and a live video, yangyang said theres a lot of videos for this comeback. xiaojun said this time the track video they put in a lot of hard work for this. kun said we are probably curious about the style of the mv from the teaser
tmi for today is ten bought a lot of snacks to put in the dorm. ten and winwin in one room, xiaojun and yangyang in one and kun and hendery in another room. winwin mentioned that yangyang is in shorts. ten likes 'broken love' and 'good love'. kun said broken love is really good
hendery like 'bounce back', ten said he likes it too. ten said he is giving a spoiler and xiaojun said it doesnt sound like that. kun thought of something and said he cant say it. yangyang wanted to sing the title of the song. winwin likes 'phantom' and he said its good
ten said winwin didnt wear anything in the mv and all the members looked at him, kun said to not believe ten, ww said this is a rumour. yangyang likes 'diamonds only'. xiaojun said before moonwalk was released he spoiled the intro of it, kun said they also did it for back to you
kun said he likes 'bounce back' and 'phantom'. yangyang said they havent had a 6 people live after so long since they live in separate dorms, he forgot how noisy hendery is already. ten said there is something there in the area, kun said he wanted to fill in the space only
ten said its fun that they get to stay together now since they used to be one person in one room. xiaojun said they played table tennis downstairs and ten said no one waited for him after his swab test, kun asked why did ten take so long and ten said his name is very long
ten said he assigned one person to clean up everyday, kun said they all had selective hearing, they heard it but choose not to do anything. xiaojun helped clean up today. kun said he helped to wash the clothes, ten said he just pressed the on button on the washing machine
xiaojun paid $26.50 for the iq test, he said everyone life is tough, we need to also pay people. the rest of wayv said their lives are tough too and xiaojun shouls pay them, xiaojun said the rest of them are rich too. kun said they will have more lives in the future
xiaojun said for the album this time, this title track is their favourite out of all the other tt, kun agreed. kun said this time they put the feeling of 'this is wayv's song' very high in this song, he said its hard to exceed this high level of feeling for other songs
yangyang said the wayv logo for every comeback is very nice, winwin said the mask too. kun top 3 album cover is phantom, the vision, take over the moon. ten got interrupted by kun and said he doesnt want to say anymore, kun told him to say it
yangyang tmi is that when taking the teaser photo for the cover his eyes were always closed. winwin said xiaojun choreographed the last part of the dance practice, he said he thought of it in one of the practice. ten helped in the dance a lot and gave a lot of idea
yangyang said when the dance teacher is teaching, and after they finish learning ten will have a lot of new ideas and they will end up changing some arts of the dance. when hendery was praising ten that birthday is really cool, ten was acting cute to hendery
wayv comeback tea party will resume on 19/12 with kun and hendery, 20/12 with ten and winwin at 10pm cst!
yangyang watching the world cup with renjun and the 2 of them keep screaming haha
221219 wayv interview ‘kun, are capricorns outwardly calm but passionate inside’ 🐻: yes, actually i have a lot of things going on in my mind, acting stable 🦄: actually he will secretly move/twist his body in the washroom 🦖: when he is tired from dancing he will move around
‘ten, pisces know when others have a change in feelings’ wayv: no 🐱: why? i know when ur feelings change ‘which member will you comfort when they are sad’ 🐻: definitely not me 🐱: if i like the person i will 🐻: so he doesnt like me 🐱: its not like that, because you look calm
‘winwin, do scorpio likes people who act cute more?’ 🐑: then dont you love me the most? 🐻: yes, he likes to watch us act cute 🐥: i think everyone is cute, depending on person. i think yy is cute, others… hendery… still ok 🐻: me? me? 🐥: not saying
‘hendery, do libra set the atmosphere because they are scared of the awkwardness?’ 🐑: he will 🦄: yes, when no one is talking its awkward, so ill make everyond not awkward but i think it often have reverse effect, after talking a lot i realised i am the awkward one
‘yangyang, are libra possessive of their friends?’ 🐑: i think its still ok, if there is its there, if not no 🦖: there was a time you asked me to eat with you, after i rejected you, you said ‘is this how our relationship is now’, it made me sad 🐑: i didnt say it 🦖: you did