from wayv announcing their comeback soon to finishing recording their album to the full wayv photo, everything is going so well
220929 wayv relay live ; translation thread (chn-eng)
wayv said its been a long time since they gathered as 6. winwin came back after a long time and they ate chicken together and had dinner together while having a chat, ww had a tour in the company, it has a kwangya theme. ww hasnt been to the first floor
xiaojun is saying the toilet in sm is really good and ten told winwin to try all the toilets. kun asked if they have any thought about gathering back as a team. winwin thinks its the same, everyone is hyper but the difference is the hair colour and told us to loo forward
ten > winwin: he thinks winwin is more open now it used to be 10% now its 60%, now winwin comes to him and say he is cute
ten asked the fans if they have any difference in them. some fans said hair colour, younger, no difference. kun said winwin is funnier now.
winwin guessed correctly and its yangyang
tmi 2: someone took xiaojun's flower out and talked to it
everyone is saying its hendery. hendery said theres a story. everyone was drunk, hendery didnt remember but yangyang asked why hendery was talking to the cactus
tmi 4: bought a lot of plants, feel happy looking at it
its winwin. hendery knew ww has a lot of plants and wanted to look for ww to play games in ww room but h found that ww plants are not even watered. hendery sent the picture to the groupchat and captioned it 'im thirsty'
tmi 4: ten said they were on the plane to tokyo. when xiaojun wwas on the plane he asked for a wine immediately cause he thought kun and ten was drinking champagne. when kun and ten saw the wine, they asked xiaojun to drink in one shot and xj did, he fell asleep on the plane
kun said the people on the plane couldnt wake xiaojun up and hendery said xiaojun said he was giddy when they were practicing
winwin won the game and asked ten to go up to the camera to pose as the winner's prize to choose someone
ten misunderstood the question. he said they can go home to light a candle, listen to piano music, drink a small sip of wine to unwind after work. winwin said to change jobs to something they like
q2: most happiest moment recently
yy: our last night at indonesia
h: the managers' face has changed
t: when winwin came back
h: me too
t: when the 6 of us ate together and had a talk
q3: any louis, bella leon tmi
ww: i havent met them for v long, leon had the most changes he looks like a mountain
ten is just glaring at winwin
ten just did a slice neck move to winwin
t: he just has a lot of muscles
k: he looks like a puddle
ww: bella still remembers me, she is very good
t: i recently bought the cat exercising machine and winwin went to try because he was curious
k: i was watching too
h: i wanted to try too, i put one foot in and ten asked me to get out
ww: it was accidental
k: he was rolling inside
ww: i was just trying it
next question is asking for mbti, hendery said his is l.o.v.e., xiaojun said his is w.a.y.v., ten is y.o.u.r., kun said c.u.t.e
xiaojun said yangyang is j.o.k.e, yangyang said his is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l., hendery is t.t.y.l, kun said winwin is s.e.x.y. winwin said he is the whole alphabet
q5: how do members relieve stress
k: i will skydive
ww: i drink coffee everyday
yy: you can buy me a cup too
they filmed kick back in october/novemeber. moonwalk was really hot since it was outside.
q7: songs recently
xj: i like junny's song
yy: im listening to all our new song
k: me too i play on repeat
xj: do you want to listen?
h: look at our managers face
t: woodz love me harder
k: nct 127 song
ww: im listening to flower
h: im listening to a lot of rock
q8: any plans to accomplish this year, any goal in the future
yy: we all have the same plans, which is the comeback
h: earn 200-300million
yy: can have concert for 1-2 days and tour 3-4 days in the place
yangyang said they have a lot things they cannot say. kun said now they cant rest everyday, they will be very busy. yangyang said they are going overseas soon and have 5-6 songs they are performing. xiaojun said the manager expression is 'where is the 5-6 songs'
they said they cant reveal anymore, they are going overseas to enjoy too. xiaojun said this is the last relay live because if they end, then more things will come up, and asked everyone to look forward. kun say they have a lot of plans this year and watch nct content
winwin said to look forward, ten said theres something tomorrow. they are asking winwin to be the be the bad guy and turn the camera off. they are posing for us to take photos. they are saying byebye~
- end of live -
KUN IN THE GYM ?:$.?.&/!&
wayv greeting in dongbei (northeast) hua!