🍯| seeing wayv!(@nuoykun)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

xiaojun said he will exercise after this life, he said he exercised more in quarrantine. hendery said he has the same thought of exercising too but it stays as a thought, he worked hard thinking about it, after that he will enjoy eating
xiaojun said its time for dinner, hendery said he woke up late and had lunch late. hendery said his company doesn’t really want them/try not to eat and do live, he said need to ask company for reason but maybe its the image.
xiaojun said his brother has a different life than him so he wonders about his life. hendery said he is asking his sister to get married soon, he doesnt ask much about their relationships, he will ask, he wants a niece/nephew to play with him
xiaojun said he thought about how in the future he can communicate with his kids like the things he enjoyed can be told as a bedtime story to his kids. hendery said he thinks about games all day and has never thought about educating kids, he thinks its not for his age now
xiaojun said when he saw his niece born, he thought to himself that he will be a good uncle, hendery asked if she needs a godfather. xiaojun said after the birth, he thought of how education of kids should be and he discussed with his brother, hendery said he never thought abt it
hendery and xiaojun has never attended tuition. henxery said his family said his studies are in his control unless he wants it then his parents enrol him in. hendery said he is a bit regretful that he didnt cherish this enrichment lesson when young
hope kun can go back home and meet his family soon !! :(
xiaojun and hendery will have a weibo live ‘in quarantine’ at 6pm cst today !
KUN WEIBO UPDATE ‘aiya wait until i have time then i will start editing, i requested to edit it myself, dont be too anxious’ ‘also, this sport is very safe!! dont need to worry’
KUN WEIBO REPLY ‘you are skydiving again?? can you have a vlog this time ?’ 🐻: filmed it already, taking time to edit 🐻: if the company edits they dont know the sequence of video, ill roughly edit first before giving it to the company ~~
kun: recently i am taking skydiving qualification certificate 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
‘airport picture of hendery returning’ is trending on weibo !
omg safe flight hendery~ so happy he is going back !
220301 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul op mentioned kun’s dalgona picture and he said the company had an event during halloween and gave them the sm logo. when kun opened it and the moment he poked it with the needle, it broke. he said someone in nct succeeded
220228 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said he has mentioned countless times that he wants an offline concert but now its not the right time, so he hopes to meet us face to face in real life soon
kun saying since today is friday he will have a surprise for us around 10pm kst/cst (he didnt specify) 🥲 he said if there is there will be if not it will be another day
220224 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said no matter what age you are, there will always be a childish side of yourself. kun said he also has like when he is meeting his fans, unconsciously acting cute
220221 kun yizhiyu fansign kun dancing !! ©只有一粒土笋冻的七
220221 kun yizhiyu fansign kun singing horizon ! ©NONDifferentialLife
kun and louis !
kun and ten !!
220221 kun yizhiyu fansign he is so cutee ©用户01010330
THIS KUN ??!??$:!:&:!&2
hendery and xiaojun at the back of kun’s photo 😭