220331 yangyang akdong seoul
yangyang said he would recommend a positive vibes song he would recommend ‘electric hearts’ and ‘stand by me’, he really likes both of the songs !
yangyang said there was once in beijing there were in a car and the 2 of them were sitting together and the manager was sitting behind but the 2 of them keep talking and drove the manager crazy so the manager didnt sit in the same car as them after that
KUN IN THE GYM ?:$.?.&/!&
ten said he finds it surprising that they have been quiet and they said they havent met recently. yangyang said recently since they stay together, he said last time ten will be in the living room to play with the cats, while they are in the room.
wayv will have a live chat with the fans after the live, ten will be joining the chat too !!
ten > winwin: he thinks winwin is more open now it used to be 10% now its 60%, now winwin comes to him and say he is cute
ten asked the fans if they have any difference in them. some fans said hair colour, younger, no difference. kun said winwin is funnier now.
yangyang said they watched ten's birthday stage and he said it was really good since ten choreographed it and its a new song, they say its really good. hendery said ten called him a few days ago and asked why he doesnt call him often
xiaojun and kun said hendery would most probably be still sleeping, xiaojun said his room would be the biggest. yangyang said he looked at the video that hendery sent in the groupchat and his room looks quite big
wayv on joox ‘idol station 2’ on 4 jan !
kun said someone on the same flight as him got tested positive :""