🎁LeeSP 🤝 @nannda_xyz🎁 JapaneseNFT The first own to earn NFT project where you can earn t#NDTNDT token by owing the Nannda NFT Give away 5 WL spots! 【To enter】 ☑Follow @_Lee_SP @CloneXCapsule @nannda_xyz @a_t__3_jp ☑Like + RT ☑Tag friend #Nannda #owntoearn #NDT 48H⏰
🎁LeeSP精选 @Cryptosimeji 🍄 CryptoSimeji is the first attempt of @Simeji_pr to the Web 3.0 industry. 3x Freemint Giveaway To enter: 1️⃣ Follow @CloneXCapsule @Cryptosimeji @_Lee_SP @LeeSP_Tavern 2️⃣ RT & Like 3️⃣ Tag 3 friends 24H 🎁 Good luck
🎁LeeSP强力推荐 @amatonft l🎁5 WL Spots 日本NFT美术馆强力出品(武士题材) 总量3210,白单价格0.03E 【参加方法】 ✅️ Follow @japannftmuseum @amatonft @ToKo_ToKo201 @_Lee_SP @CloneXCapsule ✅️ Like + RT ✅️ join discord.gg/rTC2fMT7 Good luck🍀
NFT giveaways @CryptoWAFUKUNFT 将NFT中遇到的美好分享出去,会增加自己的幸运值 我会将图中的和服姑娘送给最幸运的人 参与方式 1、关注:@_Lee_SP @CryptoWAFUKUNFT @AzukiCN_garden @CloneXCapsule 2、RT+like 3、评论:#发现NFT的美 24H
💎LeeSP项目优选 @OVERBORNENFT ⛩️ 2 Overlist Spots 创始人曾与街头霸王、刺猬索尼克游戏王、洛克人等游戏合作过。 To Enter: - Follow @_Lee_SP @LeeSP_Tavern @OVERBORNENFT - Like & RT this tweet - Tag 3 friends+comments - Join their discord: discord.gg/overborne Good luck🍀
🦎 CloneXCapsule x @kumaleon_ 🐻 1x WL 日本艺术家@okazz_ 的彩熊,Freemint发售 To Enter 👇 1⃣Follow @kumaleon_ @_Lee_SP @BBBao0810 @4201024_eth 2⃣RT&♥️ &join: 3⃣Tag 3 Frens Good luck!🍀
🦎LeeSP - Mia AL giveaway 🌼 Mia is a collection of 300 generative NFTs by an individual artist and an engineer! (Mint day is on 22/10/2022) 2 AL Giveaways🎉 ✅ RT & ❤️ ✅ follow @miacomart @_Lee_SP ✅ Join discord.gg/Ga2YQgDZ good luck 🍀
🦎LeeSPの日本精选 BMH新系列 KURENAIのWL Giveaways🔥 ⚡️Art work : @aonisai1122 ⚡️Marketing&Promotion : @BigHatMonkeys ⚡️Engineer : @0xSumo ✅ RT & ❤️ ✅ follow @_Lee_SP @BigHatMonkeys @aonisai1122 ✅ Join discord.gg/BigHatMonkeys GoldLuck🍀
🦎LeeSPの2023日本精选🦎 FREE-TO-MINT (WL) giveaway to 5 players🎁 It is a well-known Japanese smartphone game company's nft ✅follow @GGGGG_en & @_Lee_SP ✅RT &❤️ & Tag 3 friends ✅Join discord.gg/ggggg ⏰36 hours 🏆5 Winners
#CNW Giveaway Web3的缘分往往伴随着感动突如其来 今日 @START_CN 的家人一起见证了@BitCloutCat@KzcHArt 的美好“姻缘” 因联结两人,猫哥空投一张CNW给我 在此 借花献佛,将爱传递,拿一张CNW抽奖 条件如下 1、follow: @START_CN @BitCloutCat @KzcHArt @_Lee_SP 2、RT+like twitter.com/BitCloutCat/st…
🦎LeeSP日本精选 IRI-DO🐉 日本年营收7500w美元的web2公司进军NFT,通过日本“轻小说IP”和“声优产业”相结合,创作出总量3333的IRI-DO,让我们不要错过它,尽请期待 🎁 Allowlist GOLD × 2 ✅❤+RT ✅Follow @IRIDO_NFT @_Lee_SP ✅Join Discord discord.gg/iri-do ⏲48H