ボラへ💜 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
少ないらしいです この🏷𓈒𓏸︎︎︎︎ I'm voting for #YetToCome for #TheMusicVideo of the year at the 2022 #PCAs
ARMYの笑顔を守ります💜 バンタン戦隊 イシビルレンジャー∠( ˙-˙ )/ I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
7人が大好き🫰🏻💗 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
頑張り過ぎず( •̀ᴗ•́ ) です💜 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
smile◡̈いっぱいの日に なりますように💜 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
月がキレイですね……⋆🌙·̩͙⋆͛ I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
アポバンポ💜 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
レジェンドだっっ❣️ I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
今日もsmileで ◡̈♡ I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
アミ サランへー💜 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
待っててARMY💜 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
「地球は平らなんだよ、 知ってた?」 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
おはようございます☀️ 今日もたくさん笑えますように🍀 I’m voting for @BTS_twt for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs
🚀🌏🪐👨‍🚀 I'm voting for BTS ( @BTS_twt ) for Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the #AMAs
Happy◡̈ Smile I'm voting for BTS ( @BTS_twt ) for Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the #AMAs
素敵な言葉も思いつかない… 愛を贈る言葉も上手く言えない… なんの力にもならないかもしれないけど🚀🌏💜画用紙に想いを込めて応援します。 I'm voting #BTS for #TheGroup at 2022 #PCAs
いつか、アミボム振れる日が 来ますように💜🔎 I must have you🤙🏼💞 I’m voting for BTS (@BTS_twt) for Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the #AMAs
BTS💜ARMY ずっと一緒 I’m voting for BTS (@BTS_twt) for Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the #AMAs
かっこいいよキムソクジン♡ かわいいよキムソクジン♡ 誇らしいよキムソクジン♡ 最高だよキムソクジン♡ すごく良いよキムソクジン♡ ARMYで幸せです💜 .*゜ I’m voting for BTS (@BTS_twt) for Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the #AMAs
想いを込めて画用紙切りました✂️ 私はこれからも ずっとずっとARMYです💜 I’m voting for BTS (@BTS_twt) for Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the #AMAs  #진     #Jin     #TheAstronaut     #BTSARMY       #나의우주ARMY     @BTS_twt
We Love BTS🧡 .*゜ 7人が大切♡大好き。 I’m voting for BTS (@BTS_twt) for Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the #AMAs
I LOVE BTS 🫰🏻 ͗ ͗〰︎︎♡ BTS @BTS_twt as Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the 2022 #AMAs
会いたいなぁ😞💕… I’m voting for BTS (@BTS_twt) for Favorite Pop Duo or Group at the #AMAs