Grandma Xiami 蝦米娘娘(@Grandma_Xiami)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

一開始SIXTEEN的試鏡,然後不停的努力、學習與成長,現在成為高爾夫球裝的代言人,I'm so proud! 😭 很勵志的故事!👵👏💕 From a photoshoot tryout in Sixteen to becoming an endorsement model for Pearly Gates, I'm so proud! 😭 It's an incredible journey! 👵👏💕 #TWCE #TZUYU #pearlygates
Boss Jihyo! Let's take a pic! 😆📸💖 志效頭目!一起來拍一張吧!😆📸💖 #OSD #onceselcaday #TWICE #Jihyo #지효 #ジヒョ #志效 #トゥワイス #트와이스 @JYPETWICE
I love seeing TWICE doing big promotion like lighting up the empire state building, but I adore them because they still went to the pop-up store twice to spend some face to face time with ONCE. So proud of TWICE, the down-to-earth Superstars! ✨💖 #TWICE #READYTOBE #SETMEFREE
來猜猜看這是哪位 TWICE 團員呢!? 🤭🤔 Can you guess which TWICE member this is!? 🤭🤔 難度/Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #TWICE #LEGO 😊💕
Tzuyu, cute, pretty or funny? How about all the above and sweet, humble, talented, and amazing! ☺️💕
🙈 1st day of Tokyo Dome Tour - couldn't see anything 🙊 2nd day of Tokyo Dome Tour - couldn't yell anything 🙉 3rd day of Tokyo Dome Tour - can't hear anything!! We ONCE are getting the 3 wise monkey treatment!😂🤣 #TWICE_4TH_WORLD_TOUR #TWICE_4TH_WORLD_TOUR_IN_JAPAN #TWICE
"Good looks fade. But a good heart keeps you beautiful forever." -Son Chaeyoung #onceselcaday #osd #TWICE #트와이스 #トゥワイス #Chaeyoung #채영 #チェヨン #彩瑛 I'm voting for TWICE (@JYPETWICE) for Favorite K-pop Artist at the #AMAs
It's Tzuyu's birthday in 3 days! 👵💕 再三天就是子瑜的生日囉! 👵💕 #onceselcaday #osd #TWICE #트와이스 #トゥワイス #TZUYU #子瑜 #쯔위 @JYPETWICEhashtag/ツウィ/retweet/1">#ツウィ@JYPETWICE
只有我在邊看邊算啤酒瓶嗎? 🤣😂😂 Who else was counting the number of beer bottles on the table while watching this!? 🤣😂😂
@tzuyuglobalfans Dear Tzuyu, in the past year, you have worked so hard and shown us so many wonderful performances, shining bright like a rainbow in my life. Thank you so much! Happy New Year 2022!❤️#TZUYU #쯔위 #子瑜 #ツウィ #NewYearWithTZU
Happy TWICE 7th Anniversary! Let's ce-ce-ce-celerate! 🎉🎊 Thank you TWICE for bringing happiness and colors in my life! The story continues! 🍭🥳💕 #TWICE #트와이스 #TWICE_7TH_ANNIVERSARY #7YearsWith9WICE #Happy_Chilland7Day #Together1and2 @JYPETWICE
@nayfulls I am taking my pills, exploring nature, babysitting while streaming Pop! and submitting votes for Nayeon! 😂Age does not mean much! 😆 TWICE also got ONCE in their 70s or 80s. It's frustrating we could not get her a win, but keep streaming! ONCE hwaiting! 🍭
Pic#5 from my daughter-in-law. She took this in a restaurant. Visiting Seoul must be quite fun, like a treasure hunt, you may find traces of TWICE everywhere! 😊💖 媳婦韓國出差照#5:她在一家韓國餐廳照到的。去首爾玩一定像尋寶一樣,到處都有可能找到過去 #TWICE 的蹤跡!😊💖 #MINA
So proud of TWICE! 🥰 I'm so thankful and grateful of being a ONCE! 🍭 Chaeyoung & Tzuyu did amazing with their speech! ONCE always feel loved! Love you TWICE! 💕 TWICE最棒!以她們為傲!🥰彩瑛跟子瑜領獎感言說得真好!當ONCE真好!🍭好寵ONCE啊!💕 #TWICE #TWICE_BreakthroughAward